Saturday, December 20, 2008

My hand is cold.

It's getting colder. Early the other morning I came across a construction site with a number of large metal pipes. I couldn't resist leaving my stamp on one of them. (Yes, I know better than to stick my tongue on frosty metal!)


Virginia said...

Is it the aborigines that put their handprint on their artwork? I love this image. Nothing more beautiful than the hand raised in a sign o friendship or a greeting/

MuseSwings said...

Looks like a high five to winter, Bibi!

Tea Time With Melody said...

Please stop by, I have a little something for you.

USelaine said...

I've used this method to speed the defrosting of my windshield in the morning. I'm getting better at remembering to just cover it. Very nice image.

Thérèse said...

Very Cool! lol

Jane Hards Photography said...

In the portal I thought this was stenciled graffiti art. I see it is an ingenious work of art by Bibi. You have more than left your mark on me this year.

Tash said...

Superb mark & such a fun thing to do. & I definitely share the same sentiment as Babooshka, you have touched so many of us.

humanobserver said...

OMG ! what an incredible shot ! I will try to emulate it.....

Chuck Pefley said...

You and my smiley-face wife would get on very well :)

marley said...

Glad you used your hand and not your tongue! Imagine what the builders would have thought!!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.