Wednesday, February 11, 2009

ABC Wednesday "D" is for 'dangerous'

Isn't this a lethal-looking display? I took this photo on a Sunday when this "oštrač" (sharpener's) shop was closed. I love the sign that reads (literally translated) "Sharpener of tailor's and hairdresser's scissors." Just below that it reads "manicure." Hmm.... I think I'd prefer to go to the salon a few doors down.

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Miss_Yves said...

So I'll do !
Very funny post.

Sylvia K said...

Oh, great post and "evil" looking is the word! and I do feel the same way about the manicure!! Thanks for sharing. Have a good week!

marley said...

Funny sign! It looks and sounds very dodgy!

Virginia said...

For goodness sake Bibi, don't run with those!!!!

Jane Hards Photography said...

Edward Scissorhands would probably prefer his manicure here though. Scary image.

photowannabe said...

Don't think I would want a manicure with the hedge trimmers...LOL.
Dangerous is a great word for the letter D.

Tea Time With Melody said...

Great picture. I'm with you on the haircuts.

Anonymous said...

Now that is kind of scary isn't it...Good choice for the letter 'D'.. Michelle

Tumblewords: said...

Oh, good idea...don't go there! Excellent photo and interesting display.

Tash said...

A very sharp post :). Window with an ax, clever - and left in the window. Goes to show, it's not something that a merchant would risk leaving in the window here.
I like the meat grinder. I remember useing those when my mom made sarma, punjene paprike, ajvar.

Lene said...

Hehe... Dangerous for shure :) Great D-post :)

Marie Reed said...

Lol! I'll pass on the manicure with those shears too!

vero said...

Oh yes, really dangerous(!?) bye bye

Reader Wil said...

I like your sense of humour! Imagine having a haircut with those enormous scissors!

Carolina said...

Well, that's enough to give me nightmares.
Great post!

Sherrie said...

Those are some wicked looking tools! Great "D" post. Have a great day!!


Debby said...

Too funny. I'd go with the salon as well.

Debby said...

Too funny. I'd go with the salon as well.

Saretta said...

Scary! Never seen pink shears, though! Only pinking shears...

Carol said...

What an unusual display ...funny too...see you at the salon,,,Good D word...

Pat - Arkansas said...

LOL.. I think I'd prefer to get a manicure elsewhere, as well.

Interesting "D" post.

Anonymous said...

Wow ... and they do manicures??

Bradley Hsi said...

That is how I like about European city. We will never able to find a place to sharpen knief,scissors, etc. in an American shopping mall. In Taipei, I can still find one but I need to go to the traditional market or old part of the town.

Anonymous said...

That's funny.
I think he had trouble finding the right "padez" for "manikir" scissors :)

Branka M.

soulbrush said...

tee hee i agree.

Pat said...

Hi, Anonymous Branka! I was wondering if any Serbian-speaker would notice this! He could have put 'manikirskih' and made it all clear and not worrisome! :>)

Chuck Pefley said...

Does give "finger-nail clipper" a whole new meaning -:)

Kris McCracken said...

People used to go around sharpening things on the back of little carts didn't they?

That'd be an interesting job.


 I was greeted in a unisex bathroom by Buddha, or at least his head. Quite unexpected!