Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Snowdrops are known here as 'visibabe' (VEE-see-bah-bay) and are among the first bulbs to bloom in spring, although certain species flower in late autumn and winter. I didn't find these growing in the woods, but bought them on the green market, roots and all. I think the little peasant lady who sold them hadn't dug them up either (or at least I hope not,) but had grown them herself.


Rottlady of the Ozarks said...

They are lovely little flowers!

dianasfaria.com said...

I love these flowers!

Thérèse said...

Charmants perces-neige avec leur petit tatoo vert.

antigoni said...

Beautiful flowers. I can almost smell them. Don't they have a strong smell?

Pat said...

Actually, these did not have a scent, but perhaps some do?

Marie Reed said...

I love these! They are called Schneegloeckchen in German! I had a white rabbit with that name:)

Bhavesh Chhatbar said...

What a photograph! Neat, clean, perfect :)

Jilly said...

How lovely. And I found three in the garden today. Every winter they surprise me.

I passed on the camera bag for ladies link to Kim in Seattle and will mention it on the blog, probably tomorrow. So very many thanks for that.

soulbrush said...

this has really cheered me up on bloomimg tuesday.

Marie-Noyale said...

Smells like Spring around here!!!!

MuseSwings said...

I just love snodrops! They are the first whisper of spring. Beautiful. I'm waiting for pictures of Stevie's - her's are peeking out but haven't bloomed yet.

Debby said...

Spring, spring, spring. I am so ready for this winter to be over and done with. Your little flowers are like a promise.

Anonymous said...

I like these kinds of flowers. i had no idea you could just buy them like that.

marley said...

Gorgeous macro :)

Jane Hards Photography said...

I was in the snowdrop patrol girl guides. A beautiful little flower and a lovely capture.


 I was greeted in a unisex bathroom by Buddha, or at least his head. Quite unexpected!