Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Anybody home?

A very frosty and misty morning along the Sava river. Some of these houseboats may be inhabited throughout the year on a regular basis, but most are summer weekend homes for Belgraders. Mighty chilly now, I bet.


Anonymous said...

Love it! Looks very wet and cold but I'd still like to visit.

Photo Cache said...

Oh what a lovely panorama. So serene.

Chuck Pefley said...

Wonderful image, Bibi! And I'd be willing to bet some of those houseboats have nice cozy wood-stoves onboard ... if they're at all like ours here in Seattle.

Virginia said...

What a fabulous photo. Bravo my friend. THis is just wonderful and such a perfect winter image.

Tash said...

I want a poster of this one - it's just perfect. The image with the balance of gray with a cheery line of house boats (they may be chilly to live in, but the color & the closeness of the houses makes them look so cozy) and the branches offsetting the distant trees...& complimenting the rising fog. It is just perfect.

raf said...

A super photo, Bibi!
The condensation coming off the river is the capper.

Vlada Jablanov said...

Great winter shot, Bibi. I love the composition and atmosphere. Bravo!

Marie Reed said...

This is really lovely... the branches in the foreground really make the shot! bbbbrrr!

vero said...

Lovely photo, it has something of magic. Compliments

Jane Hards Photography said...

It is bewitching. I imagine the Lady Of the Lake popping out here.

soulbrush said...

more and more i want to come and see these sights for myself, they are so evocative.

Thérèse said...

Superbe photo Pat! A l'intérieur la vie ne doit pas être des plus agréables en ce moment.

Knoxville Girl said...

I think it's the mist rising off the river that really makes this photo special.
p.s. my family is still in eastern PA; I also remember lots of railroad tracks, and the commuter train to Philly.

MuseSwings said...

That is a wonderful shot! I love the dark branches reaching down toward that dragons breath mist.

Richard Lawry said...

What an outstanding photo. The composition is great with the branches hanging down into the frame. That along with the mist and the muted colors makes a moody mystical photo.

An Arkie's Musings

marley said...

What a super photo Bibi. I bet it is freezing!

Tea Time With Melody said...

Now that is what I consider a "houseboat". This picture looks pretty cool.

Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous photo! Perfect in colour and tone for the subject! I love it.

Gutsy Living said...

I'm new to your blog and love to learn more about different parts of the world. I live in southern California and today we had a heat wave. 88F! Flip-flops for me.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.