Monday, January 12, 2009

The phantom chimney

Does a smoking shadow contribute to pollution?


Radmila said...

I'm more enthralled with the corner tile that looks like a naked person lying on his stomach with his head in his arms...

angela said...

This is a fascinating photo, the chimney and the person. I like the sepia effect too..

Belgrade Daily Photo said...

Maybe it's making pollution in another dimension!

Lovely photo.

Belgrade Daily Photo said...
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Rob said...

Good capture, perfect shadows! I'm not sure about the shadowy pollution, it is pleasing to view in this way.

Knoxville Girl said...

It certainly contriblutes to a good photo.
I think maybe Gretel just tricked the witch into climbing into the oven...

Thérèse said...

Bien sur que non...

soulbrush said...

it certainly evokes smoking within me, i love it.

Anonymous said...

A great photo. Shapes textures. Love it.

Chuck Pefley said...

Only if you inhale -:))

Jane Hards Photography said...

That's an excellent observational image, and haunting.

Juliette said...



 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.