Thursday, January 15, 2009

Dogs on Thursday: The doggie in the window

Finally: yesterday was Serbian New Year's Day. Here's a pent-up, bored-with-the-holidays pup! Lemme out of here!


marley said...

Does that mean the festivities are over or is there still more to come?! Nice looking doggy today :)

marley said...
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Bradley Hsi said...

I used to also have a puppy also always sit by the window looking at passer-by. Lovely shot

raf said...

Happy New Year, again, Bibi! It does have the holiday gaze. Cute capture. said...

what a face! & a cutie. though he doesn't look bored to me, to me he looks like he is enjoying the view.
Though maybe I just have wishful thinking.

Chuck Pefley said...


vero said...

Really nice dog.

Thérèse said...

Bonne année.
Bien sur le "chéri" a dû rester à l'intérieur toute la journée...

ninja said...

Cute puppy. His eyes are saying "I wanne play outside"

Anonymous said...

That's so sweet. That's one of my most favorite things to look at as I'm out walking or driving. Someone's pet peering out the window. The funniest ones are the huge dogs lounging up on the backs of the couches!!

Anonymous said...

Watch out when the door is opened.

Anonymous said...

Watch out when the door is opened.

Virginia said...

What a gorgeous pet portrait. I love it!! Perfect Bibi!

Marie Reed said...

He does look like he'd rather be chasing firetrucks!

Belgrade Daily Photo said...

What a cutie, I love this kind of poodle (at least I THINK it's a kind of poodle?).

Tash said...

"How much is that doggie in the window?" -- it's just what came to mind. He is a real cutie.
Where there a lot of fireworks/crackers going off on NY Eve?

Becky said...

So cute! And a great photo. I really liked the composition.

Jilly said...

Cute dog and well cared for. He may want to get out of there but he's got a good home. I still keep thinking of that amazing woman with all those dogs.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Looks like they a dog awaiting their owner to return and shower them with affection. Love the little button nose.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.