Saturday, January 24, 2009

Giraffes in the mist

Very foggy yesterday morning up near the school where I work. I pass through this roundabout every day, and managed to snap this photo while approaching. These giraffes are part of a 'green sculpture' movement, set up bu The Topiary Art Trust, a group founded in 2007 for the purpose of offering to Belgrade a number of inventive solutions and contents for the urban core of the city, park areas, green areas and river banks. They were made to serve as trellises for climbing plants, and when covered, would resemble true topiary shapes. The giraffe on the right has been downed twice by a vehicle, either intentionally or unintentionally, and after its second mishap, has not been set up again.


Richard Lawry said...

Beautiful and mystical. The giraffes add an interesting but odd point of interest.

An Arkie's Musings

Anonymous said...

Didn't know there were giraffes in Belgrade ! I like your photos too !

Virginia said...

Gorgeous photo and I hope to see these nice giraffes when they are covered in greenery. Soo sorry about the "downed friend!" I love fog photos.

USelaine said...

Well, it seems to me they need to give the unfortunate feller a new spot in the circle! I like the trellis idea.

Tash said...

Surreal photo - the whole scene is just great thru the mist. As I scrolled down, it was so strange to see the giraffes, but they seem to belong in that kind of lighting.
(RE the water towers - they sure do look like outer space invaders, don't they?)

Marie Reed said...

I love this idea too! Poor little baby giraffe! The 2 of thme looked snazzy together!

Belgrade Daily Photo said...

I love the fog, but not for driving!

Alexa said...

Nicely captured, bibi!
Hope they'll find a safer spot for that poor third
giraffe—and that you'll show us what they look like when they finally have their intended "green" coat.

MuseSwings said...

Nice picture - they probably left that poor giraffe on the ground as a reminder of senssless distruction- I missed getting a beautiful shot of a family of deer on my neighbor's lawn one foggy morning. Too much time between retrieving the camera and getting a picture.

Marianne said...

A beautiful, surreal photo. I love the idea of public art and just wish people would take better care.

Suz Broughton said...

Really beautiful--mystic.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Really is surreal


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.