Sunday, January 25, 2009

Big Bad Wolf Grill and Wicked Witch Fast Food

Hmmm....what would you rather have to eat? Roast meat from the Big Bad Wolf Grill or a sandwich, crepe, or pizza from Wicked Witch Fast Food? I think I'd opt for the former---at least I'd be fairly sure I'd be eating some sort of roast animal rather than Hansel or Gretel.


The Good Life in Virginia said...

think i prefer grilled meat...and hope it's not hansel or gretel.

have a good weekend.

ninja said...

My choice would be palacinke. We don't eat them just sweet - everything goes with Slavic pancakes and that's the beauty of it.

soulbrush said...

oh now the second one for me....thanks for all your lovely comments for my new gd. i am obsessed with her!

angela said...

Mmmmh...normally I say meat as I'm a real carnivore but on the other hand I love pizza..tricky decision.

I've tagged you. Details on my Nice blog..

Marie Reed said...

That is sooo hilarious! I'll go for a big steak smothered in a spicy sauce with the big bad wolf!

Chuck Pefley said...

I think Hansel or Gretel might be the most tender, though -:)

Marie-Noyale said...

The big bad wolf is tempting!!!

Belgrade Daily Photo said...

Neither! My conscience couldn't bear to line the pockets of either of these two villains. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Pecenjara tri prasice closed a few months ago. I guess the big bad wolf won this time! :-)


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.