Everyone's saying that there's a world financial crisis and that the situation is only going to worsen in 2009, but for some people, like the Roma or gypsy in this photo, nothing much is going to change. He and others like him will continue to forage around the city for necessary items to use or resell.
Bibi, that's a heck of a goot photo. Great use of backlighting and perfect composition. The square crop was a good choice. Really ling the light poles in the left background.
It's people like the Roma who probably will be less affected than others. For those used to saving and scrimping, they will continue the practice. Kinda like the frugal Midwesterners who have always clipped coupons and shopped when things were on sale, refrained from buying things beyond their means, and made rather than bought extravagant things.
The photo for some reason reminds me of E.T. - except that his basket looks like it would weigh him down and prevent any liftoff!
oh yes it does have an et look about it, one of my favourite films. you are right, those less fortunate than us won't feel it at all....but the rest of us will i am sure.
I guess we all should have been scrimping and saving over the past few years.
I agree with Bob. Great composition on this one and the silhouette is perfect.
i have just posted the info about the new photography blog, which i am sure you will be interested in, i'm gonna do it, hope you'll join me!
The poorest people will suffer the least because they are already at the bottom of the food chain and at the bottom of everything else. Wait until the people next door and the shop down the street no longer have electricity. I can imagine the problems and screaming that will bring about. Imagine it worldwide.
Your photo is extremely well done. I don't agree with Abe. I think the Roma and those at the lowest economic levels will also suffer. There will be less for them to forage...fewer who will buy what they have.
Great one. Great composition and contrast
Hi, Bob! The square crop wasn't intentional. It happened when I tried to upload a very large photo! Now those of you reading this will actually see the full-size photo, since I have changed my template....and in doing so messed up my title....oh, help.
I like this image very much. So effective in bw!
Someone beat me to the ET reference.
I suspect that as people in the middle class fall into the lower class, they will blame the people at the bottom for being in the way, or a burden, or somehow to blame for trouble. When there's no food, the Roma will be last in line for anything.
Part of me thinks they have got it right.
I like the new big look blog :)
Makes me think of the film "Les Glaneurs et La Glaneuse (The Gleaners and I)" by Agnes Varda.
(Formerly Dugamle, have changed my profile name and picture in honor of a small friend who is no longer. So hard to lose beings you care about so much.)
This is an excellent image for the photographer to view. I would loved to have take this. It is an interesting thought how the effect for some is nil.
Actually they suffer even more because they need to collect more to get the same as before. The prices of recycled items has dropped a lot...at least in AZ.
The picture makes us reflect.
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