Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday the 13th!

"Don't walk under a ladder" is a superstition that has a base in reality, for something from above could fall on your head. I wouldn't be so worried about anything falling from above this ladder, but you needn't be superstitious to realize you probably shouldn't climb on it.

This photo was taken last summer in the town of Vranje in southern Serbia, but I thought it was appropriate for today. Note the wall behind and its various layers--paint, plaster, and a kind of adobe (mud with straw.)

Note that today is the first of three Friday the 13ths this year, the other two being in March and November. If you are paraskavedekatriaphobic, you'll be watching out for those days.


marley said...

Great post for today! I never walk under a ladder!

Virginia said...

How did you think of Friday the 13th and remember???? I LOVE THIS PHOTO. Bibi, you knocked yourself outta the park girl!

Tash said...

Now that looks like a painting and a very good one. & very funny on the "parask..." which reminds me the sequence with Lucy in Peanuts where she's offering a list of phobias that CB might be suffering from.
May your day be free of black cats crossing the road.

Nomad said...

I have to agree with Tash, its like a painting I like it a lot, great job!! My dad is from near Vladicin Han (on the way to Vranje) and I will go there this summer and so looking forward to taking interesting photos.

Debby said...

Luckily I am not paraskavedekatriaphobic. But I liked the picture anyway!

Thérèse said...

Quelle couleur!
En attendant quelqu'un en est bien dégringolé de l'échelle! J'ose espérer sans mal...
Bon week-end Bibi!

Jilly said...

What a great photograph for today. I forgot it was Friday the 13th - in fact I was born on Friday the 13th to a superstitious mother who never forgave me!

Richard Lawry said...

The color and the patterns make this a very interesting photo. Friday the 13th doesn't bother me. My wife was born on a Friday the 13th.

An Arkies Musings

soulbrush said...

imaginative picture. i am not paras whatever, but don't walk under a ladder, ever!

Petrea Burchard said...

I don't worry about ladders so much. Maybe I should! What a gorgeous photo, Pat!

Kim said...

This is such an appealing image to me (despite the broken rung!) It's like a crossworld take on a New Mexico ladder-against-an-adobe image. It's just beautiful.
So, is this the kind of wall the little piggy with the load of straw might have built? :-)

I've just spent some really pleasant time catching up with your images, and every one of them seems wonderful to me. You see things so well, and I love the artistic witty ways you show us life in Belgrade and its environs. You notice the coolest things.
Seattle Daily Photo

Jane Hards Photography said...

I walk under ladders. Terrible I know. Excellent image fading beauty.

annulla said...

Oh, I love the colors and textures of this photo. Just found your blog; I visited Belgrade a long, long time ago and still recall the scents of the wonderful, peppery grilled meats sold on the streets, the old ladies clad in black wearing bright babushksas and the sting and burn of the slivovitz - oh, my!

Blather From Brooklyn


 I have seen this woman frequently in different seasons, seated in the same place near a large open market. She doesn't seem to be askin...