Saturday, March 21, 2009

The Health Food Shop

Even though Serbia prides itself on its wonderful fresh produce, health food stores are becoming very popular here. In such stores you can find all kinds of extracts, grains, soy products, and most of what you'd find in such stores elsewhere. I've always been surprised though that you can also find all kinds of junk foods, like candies and sugary cookies. In this photo you can see what I mean. An entire window is almost entirely devoted to several kinds of hard candies, jelly candies, and lots of cookies. On the top are jars of chocolate coated hazelnuts, candied almonds, and mocha balls, I think. Amongst all this you can see several kinds of dried fruit, including one that has become really popular now: cranberries! They're the dried kind, imported mainly from Canada, and are really good.


Tash said...

I like cranberries, come to think of it, any of those goodies too. Definitely has more of an international flavor then Serbian. As a kid, I loved the yellow hard-marshmellow totally artificially flavored bananas -- did they have those when your kids were growing up? And little baby faced sugar candies. And KRAS animal kingdom "cokolade" - I only wish I still had that album. They had the new ones in a San Pedro store here - but the picture cards have changed.

Virginia said...

Healthy junk food. That's a concept. Nice photo though. ( Glad to see the bowels, private parts aren't featured!HA)

~Cheryl said...

Very colorful and definitely my kind of health food store!

James said...

A teaspoon of sugar helps the health food go down.

Nice photo, but I notice the puzzle is missing a piece. :-0

Marie Reed said...

What a lucky duck you are! First you tell me that you have great bagels in Belgrade and now I see that you have cranberries too! Jealous:)

Thérèse said...

A toucher avec les yeux seulement!

ninja said...

I think it's supposed to be 'healthier' candy - meaning traditional recipes, no artificial preservatives, eco produced ingredients etc. Like the meat you can sometimes find in healthy food stores.

Radmila said...

Looks more like the "bulk" stores that are so popular here.

soulbrush said...

mmmm anything with too much colour is suspect, like the photo though.

Writing on Board said...

Dobro Serbia. Volim.

Richard Lawry said...

It looks like my kind of health food. I am a vegetarian, so if i was there I would have to got to this shop and check it out.

An Arkies Musings


 I was greeted in a unisex bathroom by Buddha, or at least his head. Quite unexpected!