Sunday, March 22, 2009

At Eye Level

Visitors here are always surprised that quite often it's easy to see hard-core magazines and DVDs displayed right out in the open. At least this vendor has made some sort of effort (?) to arrange his wares at the eye level of the prospective customer. Cartoons are pretty much at the bottom, then come ordinary movies and pop music dvds, then at the top, something for adults like this gentleman who had no idea I was taking his photo.


marley said...

He has a big bag ready to fill!

Kim said...

This was a pet peeve of mine after my then four year old nephew picked up a copy of "Blue Boy" from the bottom rack at the convenience market under our place in San Francisco and said "I would like to have this; what are the boys in this picture doing?" Now it the covers of DVD's depicting torture and murder scenes. Just some things that should have to be sought out by interested adults rather than viewed on the lowest rows by the very young. Oh, but I forget, how would anyone make any money that way, silly me! I'm sure this fellow is looking down at the comics. ;-)
Neat shot!
Seattle Daily Photo

Lowell said...

Good sharp is interesting to speculate if he would care about being photographed...

In the good old sex-obsessed USA which is at the same time goofily prudish, these things are hidden behind and underneath the counters...

Recently a Congressman from one southern state wanted to force the military to stop stocking Playboy and Penthouse magazines at military base stores.

Alexa said...

You are SO sneaky, bibi! (I love that about you, btw.)
Note to Southern congressman: They're putting their lives on the line every day, and their wives and girlfriends are FAR, FAR away —how dare you deny them any little dose of pleasure??
Local video stores always kept the XXX-rated stuff in a separate room in the back. Blockbuster managed to be hugely successful w/o any porn whatsoever—more power to them, I suppose (there's always the Internet).
A thought-provoking post as usual, bibi.

soulbrush said...

grrrr i get mad too when i see the 'wrong' things down on the bottom rack...grrrr. love this guys flowing hair.

Belgrade Daily Photo said...

Wait a minute, is that Bora Corba? It sure looks like him.

Thérèse said...

Is it perhaps a wig he is wearing? lol

Jane Hards Photography said...

Something for the weekend Sir? Here they are neatly arranged on the Top Shelf, out of reach of children but still on plain view. Interesting furtive image. The watcher watching the watcher.

Anonymous said...

There's no doubt: Serbian army hat, dirty hair, spitfire jacket and a leather bag. That's definitely Bora Corba on the picture (one of the biggest rock stars of the ex-Yu, now turned ultra-nationalist) - nice catch, Bibi :)
as for the porn flicks, it's definitely one of the things we're more liberal in than the US and many other countries in the west. I would trade it for some other things we can be more liberal in, though.

Pat said...

Hi, BDP and Viktor,

It isn't Bora Corba, despite the similarity. I saw him from the back and thought it was, but I waited until he moved on so I could see his face, and it wasn't. A Bora Corba wannabe!

MuseSwings said...

I haven't had enough time to visit this past week. Hou did I miss 5 of your posts!?! Good to catch up. Speaking of posts - I mailed a post card to you last week. I never did find a panoramic view of Palm Harbor. I'll check our little historical museum this week. I may have to make some myself!

Tash said...

I remember newspaper kiosks with bare breasted women from my childhood. The media has changed but not the content. Very effective eye-level marketing.

Anonymous said...

oh bibi, you don´t know victor, the virtual trash-talker.

he knows everything better, at least he thinks so.

please don´t let him destroy this interesting belgrade blog too ....

Anonymous said...

How do you know, maybe the guy wasn't looking at the top shelf? :)

Anonymous said...

Bibi, you're way too honest! :)
Remind me never to offer you a job as a reporter in a Serbian tabloid :)


 I was greeted in a unisex bathroom by Buddha, or at least his head. Quite unexpected!