Saturday, March 7, 2009

Looking for spring

A young couple looks out over the Danube toward Great War island. The winter barrenness will soon disappear, and Mother Nature will dress herself in shades of green.


Anonymous said...

why the name is great war island?

Virginia said...

Now that, my friend, is a GORGEOUS photograph. Brings tears to my eyes.

Richard Lawry said...

An incredibly beautiful photo. Lovely composition

An Arkies Musings

Unknown said...

Great shot! Nice balance on the top and bottom of the frame.

Tash said...

As I scrolled down, I thought it could be 3 different photographs and all of them would be great - the branch/leaves with the island, the birds with the island, the couple/shore with the birds - all with a different feel. Excellent work there.

Jilly said...

How lovely - beautiful soft colours, the light is gorgeous. Spring arrived here today - gorgeous sunshine, long may it last...

amatamari© said...

Great shot...


Hygienist said...
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Hygienist said...

Thanks that you created such blog!
One year ago I decided for a lonely trip to Serbia and Montenegro. I was very impressed and felt a lot of sentiment to this place which is a bit forgoten by Europe.
I thought that name of this island on Dunabe is Ostrov Velikovo.
Is it yours Petit Bruxellois dog?

Pat said...

Alaya and Hygienist, this is what Wikipedia says about Great War Island:

"The island gained its militant name because throughout the history Great War Island was an important strategic point either for the conquest or the defense of Belgrade. In 1521 when Belgrade was under siege by Turkish forces, the majority of their attacks on Belgrade fortress were launched from the island. In liberating Belgrade in 1806 the rebel army headed by Karađorđe also used the island for military purposes, as the Serbian artillery with 500 soldiers was bombing the Kalemegdan fortress from there. During the offensive in 1915 by Austria-Hungary against Belgrade, Austria-Hungary forces used the island to launch their attacks."

Thérèse said...

THere is so much in this picture!
And thanks for telling us what's hidden behing the name of "Great War."

Marie Reed said...

The leaves look like nature's chandelier!

B SQUARED said...

Spring can't be far away.

Saretta said...

There's a period of spring that reminds me of fall and this photo calls that to mind.

marley said...

Great photo. It'll soon be spring over there!

namaki said...

This is so peaceful ... and there are still autuomn leaves on the trees ...

Marie-Noyale said...

A very nice and peaceful picture.

Binoy Mathew said...

a great composition...


 The  PALACE OF SERBIA, whose official name is the Palace of the Exdcutive Council, is a sprawling building in New Belgrade, and once repres...