This isn't a photo that will probably attract a lot of attention from most of you in Bloggerland, but I received a request from a Serbian gentleman in the U.S. for a
" view from center of sidewalk in front of Albania building toward London intersection - sort of a wide angle view of both sides of the street," so here it is. Terazije is Belgrade's designated center, and derives its name from when the Turks had water brought in from the springs from a nearby community. A water tower was erected on the location of the present fountain at Terazije and the square was named after the Turkish word for water tower, terazi (literally, water scales). On this photo you can just make out the green-tiled pointed spires of Hotel Moskva.
I hope you like the photo....
I like it...if for no other reason that we get to see more of your city. And the history lesson was most interesting.
Have a great weekend!
I like the shot. I think seeing the city streets gives more of a feeling for the city than just seeing buildings. We all should do more of these types of shots.
Yes, I agree. It gives me a feel for Belgrade. I like it very much. It's moody.
Bibi, I find it funny that each time I long in to my blog and I start going down my favorite blogs to visit you have just made a post within the last 4-5 hours. This is a great photo. I like your stuff!
It's an excellent photo. I agree with what's been said about giving more of the idea of the look of the city. I love the perspective with the curve in the road and the wintery feel to the photo. Nice to know what Terazije means after all these years. It would be interesting to see the same view in the summer month.
I like it. I'm a fan of wide shots - I think these type of photos can say a lot about a place. And the history lesson adds even more depth. Thanks for sharing!
this picture is very beautiful because it allows a different look on the city ...
Thank you all! Tash, stay tuned for a summer shot!
Thank you very much. It almost looks the same as I remember it from 47 years ago. It seems like it was yesterday when I was strolling down that street either toward the theatre square or going back home (on foot of course) toward Kaleniceva Pijaca. I finally found some of my old friends on Skype several days ago and after chatting with them it was like seeing myself in the mirror almost half a century later. Where did the time go?
Again, thank you very, very much.
Thanks for this photo as I can picture all the times I've walked, marched, jay-walked, criss-crossed those streets.
I like the wide curve. Nice.
I love these picture requests! The historic info is always so interesting. We all listen enjoy!
I just started to read a book by Charles Simic and his story about life during WW II in Belgrade and other areas. Not a pleasant experience under the Nazis and I have yet to read how he managed to get through it all and become a write and poet.
Bibi, the wires across the street in sort of the 'grid' pattern...is that how your electricity is delivered? Also, I was looking at your buildings. I see new buildings, but the ones in front look older. Is this the 'old' half of your city? Have you any clue how old these buildings are?
Thanks for your kind comments today Bibi. I have been coming to your site for a long time to be reminded of my Yugoslavian heritage.
i like it a lot, the greyness, the 'oldey worldey' look is so nice.hugs to you bibi.
Hi, Debby!
The wires that run across the street are for electric trolleybuses. Sometimes there are quite a few that crisscross.
This area is just off the one end of the main pedestrian street. Hotel Moskva is 100 years old, but I think most of the buiildings you see in this photo are newer, post-war ones. Belgrade of course has quite a few old buildings, some of which, sadly enough, are in disrepair.
Belgrade is divided into 'old' Belgrade, the original city, and a larger suburb, New Belgrade.
Strangely this has a look of my own Birmingham oin avery grey day. I like the gritty side of the dailies eqaully as much as the more aesthetic. Balanced view. It's also nice to do requests I find.
That was interesting.... thank you
best wishes
I certainly do. I simply enjoy city scenes like this.
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