Monday, March 23, 2009

Spring is here...but it's still cold.

I'm still waiting for spring to be really here. It's still darn cold out. This flower lady looks like she'd like to go home, but she's still got quite a few narcissus and daffodils to sell. Brrr.


Nancy said...

Bless her heart - she does look cold. Interesting - the same flowers are in bloom here. said...

This is a wonderful portrait. I wish I could give her a cup of hot cocoa.
I feel the same way about Spring. Tomorrow morning it will feel like the teens here with our windchill!
Bibi, I invite you to enter my giveaway over at my blog in celebration of one year of posting, if you'd like.

Tash said...

Wish I could buy some of her flowers - the narcissus must smell so good. Another excellent capture, 'Bibi'.

Sally said...

I bet she is hoping they will sell soon!

Marie Reed said...

Holy Moly this is just breathtaking! It's still freezing here too! It makes me a little grumpy!

soulbrush said...

where do the daffodils come from? are the blooming there in the cold? my heart goes out to all people who have to work outdoors in the winter the world over.

Debby said...

The poor dear needs mittens, but her flowers make me hungry for spring.

Kim said...

Suzy just picked up a bunch of these at PPMarket this morning. I wonder how much this gals are going for. Our crocus have just about petered out, the daffodils and narcissus are out, and the grape hyacinths are poking up purple everywhere in the yard. Soon the tulips and the irises. Ah, spring. She has it all ready to go for us. I wish I could smell those through the screen. Keep warm!
Seattle Daily Photo

Birdman said...

I like this shot, simple, but telling!

Jilly said...

She does look cold. I love the shot tho.

Bibi, many thanks for comment this morning on Menton. I reversed the photos. Many thanks. I did post the cropped version earlier but knew the mimosa wasn't in focus but I agree with you, it's better this way.

I thought your gentleman yesterday looked a bit like one I posted on Monte Carlo a day or so ago!

Thérèse said...

Une seule envie: en acheter,

marley said...

She looks freezing! Hope you bought a bunch to speed up her return indoors.

MuseSwings said...

A bright sop on a gray day! I hope she sold the quickly so she cah go home and warm up!
I challenged you to a fun Meme. Stop by!

Julie said...

this is a touching portrait. it looks cold and makes me wonder how fresh cut flowers handle the cold

Debby said...

Something else strikes me about your picture. The woman would be as out of place in a discotech as the flowers are in the cold.

Becky said...

The narcissus flowers are beautiful! I'll take them all! We're still waiting for the flowers to bloom enough to sell them fresh here...though I did see my first daffodils this morning! Bright yellow contrasting with the grey of the morning.

Ming the Merciless said...

The flowers are so gorgeous. But yes, the poor woman looked like she's freezing.


 I have to admit that my dog gets a lot of smiles and pats, which she just loves....  This sweet lady obliged her and even gave her a little...