There are three different crosses on this photo. In addition to the familiar Latin cross in the foreground, a patriarchal cross rises from one of the blue domes of the little Russian church behind St. Marko's church in Tašmajdan Park. The patriarchal cross possesses a smaller crossbar placed above the main one, so that both crossbars are near the top. Sometimes the patriarchal cross has a short, slanted crosspiece near its foot. A Latin cross with three 'buds' is called a budded cross, and you can see one on the top of Saint Marko's dome. To view an
optical illusion among Saint Marko's arches, click
Hi, just stumbled over your blog and didnt want to leave as wordless visitor. This pictures has captured so much more then 3 different crosses. It represents the diversity in the country you have chosen. Paula, a German transplant to Florida
Beautiful image and well composed. Thanks for all the information of the cross. They are all new to me.
Beautiful image and well composed. Thanks for all the information of the cross. They are all new to me.
Wonderful composition. I love it!
Wonderful photograph! It's worth "clicking" to see the details up close!
The orthodox cross rising out of the blue onion shaped dome makes it eastern Europe. However, all three crosses are fabulous and in combination, wow! Thanks for sharing.
What a beautiful photo. The color and composition are great. I went to church with a man years a go who felt that any cross that had anything decorative, ie anything but two plain bars was against Christianity, He even went into the church and cut of the cross that was atop the flagpole. Isn't it amazing that someone could have beliefs that allowed him to destroy others property.
An Arkies Musings
AMazing! This photo makes me want to cross myself and say a few Hail Mary's!
I like the way the picture is set against the back drop of the gray sky. These are hard times and faith is a fine thing to arm yourself with. What a nice picture.
Three in one.
Good that you mentionned the picture you took of St Mark, I had skipped it...
What a gorgeous building! And a very well-composed shot, as well. Churches make such beautiful photo subjects, don't they? No matter the faith...they're all lovely.
You taught me something new today BIbi! Lovely composition on this one.
Beautiful! Great composition!
I must say the extra click is worth the effort. Nice photo.
Ecumenism at its best. Nicely composed, Bibi.
Don't be cross! Great cross section in this photo :)
Cool juxtaposition going on here. Well done.
This is one of my favorite quiet corners in Belgrade. I used to walk by it every day on my way to school. Thank you for capturing it.
Branka M.
Ah, so beautiful, this photo brings Europe alive to me...
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