Friday, March 13, 2009

Waiting for a handout

I caught sight of this little fellow who was staring intently up at a window on a building on the left. I imagine someone throws him a morsel from time to time. I whistled to him, and he posed for the photo. This lot just off the center of Belgrade, and is a real eyesore. Real estate prices being what they are, I imagine the City is holding out for top price. Note the old and new architecture behind. Hotel Moskva is just behind the brick building on the right.

(Please drop by tomorrow for Yankee's one-year anniversary...)


Stefan Jansson said...

The difference in architecture was the first thing I noticed. Are there many stray dogs in this area?

Jane Hards Photography said...

You really get a sense of inerlopping eras here with the differing building styles. My heart always goes out to stray dogs. They make me want to play the lottery, win and open up a dog's home.

Virginia said...

All I can see in this photo is that sweet face. Oh my. I have a soft heart.

Kim said...

Such a sweet stray (I love your dog photos a lot!).

Well, I wanted to check in early to be the first to wish you a very happy first blogoversary! I remember seeing your photos of Paris. . .I'm not sure just how I came upon them, and falling in love with the way you saw things and how beautiful and skillful your shots were. I think I nudged you to blog your city, but my memory is foggy. It has been a wonderful year of getting to know you more and seeing the place you call home--so cool to see it through your eyes.

I know you will have tons of visitors and well wishers tomorrow, and I will tune in to see what festivities you have in store. So glad you are in our CDPB community! You make it special!

Debby said...

Oh, I'm afraid that if I lived in your area, I would be unable to resist these strays. I'd become an eccentric charactor with forty-eleven dogs, and a mistrust for the human race. Like Steffe, I am curious about the numbers of stray animals.

Thérèse said...

Bibi whistling in the middle of an empty lot! lol
Bon week-end au champagne!

Anonymous said...

Happy blog anniversary from Brookville, Ohio. I also like the photo for today and the pup. I would pick him up and take him home with me.

Jill said...

Wishing you a beautiful blog annversary. I'm a sucker for big brown eyes.

Petrea Burchard said...

In my heart I've adopted every dog you've photographed.

Unknown said...

Uh, that's the corner betweeb balkanska and terazije..
At the kiosk near there they sell a good burek


 I was greeted in a unisex bathroom by Buddha, or at least his head. Quite unexpected!