Recently I had a request from
'Melrose' at
Achtung, Baby! to photograph #31 Visokoga Stevana Street in Belgrade. For those of you who read Serbian, she has a fantastically delicious blog, full of Serbian recipes!
'Melrose' wanted me to photograph this address for her, but did not say why. I can only assume it holds memories of her time in Belgrade. 'Melrose,' here's to you!
I think I might have a request too. I'd like to see the modern Belgrad. There must be some glass & steel building there or a shopping center...etc.
lovely photo...would be interesting to hear the story behind this place...perhaps she will share with us?
have a wonderful weekend.
You've done a great job framing this shot. Did you wait until this woman walked through the picture?
I like the character of the buildings, the weathered door, and the colors.
Bibi, How nice of you to do this. I would love to have reader requests like this! Lovely colors and I hope it brings fond memories for Melrose. I haev some fond memoriest tomorrow on my blog. Happy Easter my friend.
To Jacob and Koala,
Yes, I saw the lady coming and waited. Figured the photo looked better with someone in it.
I will do Modern Belgrade! If you go to my search box on the top left and type in 'facades,' you will get at least one contrast old/new facade photo. But I will do more!
yes, the woman walking past is particularly good. so nice of you to do this for her. my request is that you just keep on going and showing us your fabulous work.thanks for doing inscription, will watch the post.hugs for Easter.
Hi Bibi,
is there a Fornetti shop? I love this little snak...
Don't you just love the artistic process? Someone asks you to take a picture otherwise you might not have taken. The keeper of the building just happens to paint it in colors to match the advertising which just happens to be colors opposite on the color wheel. You drop by and take the photo. Now you have a piece of artwork to share with the world!
Blogs are brilliant and the City Daily Photo experience is the best of the best! Keep on snapping!
I love the colour in this photo.
Well done.
best wishes Ribbon :-)
Very nice of you to take request photos!
Happy Easter to you and yours!
Thank you 10000000000 times:)))
I used to live there for a few years - a decade+ ago.
Really very very nice of you to take time to fulfill people whishes like that. Real Photo Fairy!
Even if the facade needs a little T.L.C you made it look really nice with the framing and color combination.
Have a Happy Easter.
I agree with melrose - you are a Photo Fairy :)
I seldom get requests but when I do I'm always surprised as to where or what image is required. Photo Fairy, I like that. Your instincts to wait for the lone walker, of course so right.
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