Oh, the fun sights I come across when walking along the river! I was below this wall on the sidewalk along the Sava River when I looked up and saw this fellow who was lying on the bench on the other side, doing some see-saw exercises. Now the head, then the legs, now the head...and then I got his legs (and bottom.)
That's so funny. Not just the guy popping up and down, but the graffiti on the wall, too. Great eye!
Looks like he is diving!
so very funny - I could not make out what he was doing - he looks very fit.
I'm done filing taxes & am free to do some visiting again.
Another great and very candid shot!
Hahahaha! Serves him right for exercising in public and making the rest of us look bad! LOL!
You can come up with all kinds of interesting captions for this shot. Good work.
Perfect setting! No tattoos on his legs, too bad!lol
I was thinking he fell into the void -:) I like this one!!
LoL, great picture!
and.. what a cute bootie he has! Fun!
Great timing :-)
best wishes Ribbon
I thought another mural in the portal, but this has blown my socks off.
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