Wednesday, April 15, 2009

ABC Wednesday "M" is for 'mural'

Did you do a double-take on this one? It's on the side of a building downtown!

Join ABC Wednesday right here !


James said...

That's pretty neat. I wonder what they're looking at.

Lowell said...

Well, I had to look at it twice. Very effective, and most interesting.

Nice shot!

Shadow said...

It seems as if someone below is causing some sort of mayhem. I love this!

MuseSwings said...

Yes I did! Looks like a happy scene from "Rear Window"

Alexa said...

Very cool mural, bibi! I love the ones that make you do a double-take. (And I followed your link and posted my first ABC Wednesday -- yet another thing I've "borrowed" from you, so thanks!)

~Cheryl said...

Are you sure? This puts wrinkles in my brain.

Thérèse said...

No way! Really?
It took me a while to realize what was happening. It is late for me...

Marie Reed said...

I DID do a double take! I wonder what they are pointing at!

Jane Hards Photography said...

The amount of work that has gone into this is incredible, especially the budding tree. What a fabulous find.

Sylvia K said...

That is fabulous!! Wow! It's incredible! Thanks for sharing this one, not one I'll forget soon!

soulbrush said...

very very cool indeed.

Mara said...

I love murals and this one is fantastic! Very lifelike

marley said...

That is such a good effect! Had me fooled :)

Pamposh Dhar said...


Tumblewords: said...

Isn't that just wild? I love it...

Jay said...

That's one of the most stunning murals I've ever seen! Wow .. who painted it, do you know?

Pat said...

Hi, Jay. I am not sure who did it, but believe it was advertising a cell phone provider.

Tea Time With Melody said...

That is very cool. Novel idea!

xxx said...

That's clever...

Tash said...

so well done. I'm passing this one on to the local artists.


 I was greeted in a unisex bathroom by Buddha, or at least his head. Quite unexpected!