Monday, April 13, 2009

One More Redhead

I just couldn't resist showing you one more redhead. I've shown you one here and here , so no more this month, I promise! This lady's hair is two-tone, and the pink blossoms set it off!


Lowell said...

That is just wonderful. Love all the colors. Red hair, omigod!

Clueless in Boston said...

That is so funny. I can understand red or blue on a young person, but on an old(er)lady it is comical. My grandmother always said, there no fool like an old fool.

Erin said...

my gosh...that looks horrible on that woman. two very in your face colors just don't make it. i am not a fan of red hair either :)

James said...

Thats funny. My best friend in high school dyed his hair that color once. I think it was called "fire engine red".

Virginia said...

The comments are as fun as the photo. I was blown away in Paris at the awful ( in my opinion) hair colors. Today's is just so fun I can't complain. The gentleman must be lovin' it ! HA

Petrea Burchard said...

It's not working for the woman, but it's working for your photo! I love it!

glduro_marieloupe said...

Oh, my! I m out of the curve!! I like this hair color (not for me, "bien entendu"!!). But its compound this photo very well :}

Jilly said...

My God, I thought it was a hat! Goes well with your banner...

B SQUARED said...

Spring looks like it is there to stay.

Dan said...

So, do you think it is her natural color? Quite the contrast with the follicly challenged gentleman beside her!

soulbrush said...

love the header, it matckes perfectly with the post.tee hee keep them coming , they are great pics.

Chuck Pefley said...

I didn't know mature women's hair changed color in quite this way -:) Must be European influences at work LOL !

Nomad said...

Its interesting that now in this time and age so many of you are saying OMG. I live in Denmark and most of the year is grey and dark, I just wish that women would feel brave to express how they feel and bring some colour in they life, instead they are almost all beige.

So on that note, great photo and great that you have life in place where women is not afraid to bring some colour to her life and life is not beige otherwise we would not see this great photos :)

Marianne said...

It really is great to be able to dye your hair like this. Hmm. Maybe no worse than the blues I see on some women "of a certain age".
Read a poem by a woman "of certain age" joyfully writing about wearing purple and being generally freed up from feeling she needed to "act her age".
And the photo is lovely - Spring flowers!

marley said...

Your photo today matches your header photo! I love them both :)

antigoni said...

Funny post. Maybe is the same lady with your other post. Anyway, it's an Easter look. Have a great and pieceful Easter.

Thérèse said...

Que c'est amusant! Et je repars avec un sourire en tête...

Marie-Noyale said...

The cherry trees are not blossoming here yet.. so I still have time before coloring my hair!!!

Pam Lane said...

Hi Bibi, I see what you mean. You have managed to catch quite a few unusual hair colors (and styles). I especially like this one and the one of the pink-haired lady.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.