Wednesday, May 20, 2009

ABC Wednesday "R" is for "Rollerskating"

These girls help each other on their inline skates. And who says it's only drivers who text while they're in motion...?

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Lowell said...

I can do that! Well, not text and fact, when I'm skating it's all I can do to stay upright!

Great shot!

~Cheryl said...

And you were able to sneak in some red, too! :)

yudikris said...
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yudikris said...

It's likely good to try, Jacob... Nice and balance proportion, Bibi!
Is it inside the Belgrade city?

Beautiful Serbian teens.... :)


Sylvia K said...

I'm with Jacob, I was doing good to stand upright on skates, let alone text! But what a great shot, the girls are lovely and what a perfect word for the R day!

Marie Reed said...

Hooray for rollerskates. My son Johnny takes an in liner class offered at school:)He's a whiz on skates now and didn't have any problems ice skating in the winter! I thought that it was a bit of a silly class to have at first but now I'm so glad that he's so steady and happy on them:)

magiceye said...

superb capture!

Greetings from the ABC Team!

spacedlaw said...

Drivers and teenagers alike...

soulbrush said...

never tried to skate, to scary...they look so carefree, where have the years gone? sigh...

LA / nodecaf said...

Agreed Soulbrush, oh to be that carefree again. Great pic Bibi!

Chuck Pefley said...

Great light makes this a special image. Very nice. Cellphones !!! Egads!!! Soon we'll have babies born with the latest gadget attached so they can text "I've arrived" LOL!

Karyn said...

Terrific photo...the girls are so pretty, the colors so vivid, and the motion so real.

TYRA Hallsénius Lindhe said...

Graet fun! LOL


raf said...

It's a winner, Bibi! Like how the spot of sunlight frames the middle skater's face.

Reader Wil said...

My 42 year old daughter uses rollerskates instead of the car, when she is going shopping. It's great and very good for the environment. Beautiful photo!

Alexa said...

Such lovely young ladies! I believe kids must be texting in their sleep—saw a thing on the news the other day where some teens agreed to give up their computer, cell phone, ipod, etc. for 10 days as an experiment & one boy said he averaged 17,000 texts per month! (BTW, result of experiment: their grades went up and they got more exercise.)

Tumblewords: said...

Ohmigosh, how funny is that? Texting while rollerskating - love this photo!

Tash said...

Three young lovelies - great shot, B.

Stefan Jansson said...

Great shot. I would probably hurt myself if I ever tried inline skating.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.