Wednesday, May 27, 2009

ABC Wednesday -- "S" is for "Sequined Sneakers"

When I was a kid, only boys wore high-top sneakers, and those were pretty much the black, All-Star kind. I wore Red Ball Flyers or US Keds, and waited patiently for summer when I would get my new pair. Some were the classic lace-up ones, others were slip-ons, and some had a Mary Jane T-strap. But none of them were as fancy as these, worn by a student of mine, who kindly lent her feet for this photo.

Join ABC Wednesday!


marley said...

Very sparkly! I think you should wear a pair!

Lowell said...

I have never seen "high-tops" this high!

But I'm glad it is a student wearing them and I wouldn't want to believe that "sexy" Bibi would stroll about in such decidedly cute but unsexy shoes! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Sometimes, sneakers keep surprising me: when I was younger, I remember there were those sneakers that smelled like bubble gum or watermelon. Then, when my sister was young, shoes with LED lights were in. Now... Heelys and colorful high-top sneakers.

Marie-Noyale said...

You have the eye to notice all this!!
Zipper and laces and sequins!!!!

James said...

My high tops were never so high. They remind me of boots.

Kate said...

If not boots, at least these sneakers "were made for walkin'"
I think they make quite a statement!

~Cheryl said...

Wow--that's what you call Stylin' Sneakers!

Marie Reed said...

These are postcard perfect! I'm swooning! You catch the best things!

soulbrush said...

what it is to be young....sigh!

Jane Hards Photography said...

I was a black all stars girl. These really are sparkly. I wonder if she can be persuaded to pose again for june theme day of feet.

Chuck Pefley said...

Whoa!!! Those are fancy! Reminds me a bit of some of my scooter friends' footwear.

(These would have been perfect for our next theme day, btw.)

Anonymous said...

Cute! I have plaid ones, but I've never seen sequined ones before.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.