Tuesday, May 12, 2009

"I'm lovin' it!"

She must be lovin' it with so many fishing rods.


~Cheryl said...

You have such a keen eye! :)

Blogaire said...

Now I know why I always have to wait 10 minutes for their Fish Burger!

erin said...

what a great capture...

Marie-Noyale said...

Did you ask how many fishes in the bucket??...

Marie-Noyale said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Virginia said...

Filet o' Fish with an order of fries coming up!

Chuck Pefley said...

Does she have a contract with McDonalds ?

Marie Reed said...

Virginia hooked my filet o' fish coent:)

Tash said...

A variation on the comment theme - somebody's got to catch the fish for the fillet-o'-fish.
What a great spot to fish from.
PS - I watched the movie "Natasha" again recently and recognized a lot of the locations that have become familiar thru your blog. (Depressing movie though, again. I like seeing Neda Arneric - I got her autograph in Pula when she was just a teen or early 20's.)

yudikris said...

Beautifully taken! This just remind me to my small village in an island. Nice....

Carolina said...

Hahaha, that would have been a wonderful M-post for the ABC meme. But alas....it's Q-time as we both now ;-)

Great photos on your blog!

Thérèse said...

Peut-être la meilleure façon de m'attirer dans un McDo... lol
Good try Bibi!
Excellent picture.

soulbrush said...

your eye is amazing...wow.

ninja said...

Hm, her.. well behind.. shows she eats there a lot.

marley said...

Brillaint capture! There's a joke in there somewhere about fresh fish in the fillo-a-fish!

Carraol said...

Great composition of this woman, with a beautiful and colorful background!

sudarshan bengani said...

i bet she would definitely get discount on fish bugers from MCdonald

Alexa said...

Nice shot! I wonder if she's ever actually had a McDonald's burger—or if she'd rather eat the fish she catches.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.