Friday, May 1, 2009

THEME DAY--Shadows-- 'Roses in Shadow'

This isn’t a recent photo. I took it a year and a half ago, in very dim light, at the wedding of the daughter of a close friend. I’ve made an enlargement, which hangs on my wall, and while still attractive, it lacks a bit of the luminosity that you can appreciate on your screen. Shadows and light; this is also a foreshadowing of my own daughter’s upcoming wedding in September.

Click here to view thumbnails for all participants


marley said...

That is lovely, I can see why you have it hanging on your wall. I really like the very dark area to the right, a perfect contrast with the flowers. Happy theme day :)

Virginia said...

What a lovely, lovely image BIbi. I so wish I lived closer and could take some photos at your daughter's wedding. Bravo for a perfect SHADOWS shot.

Julie said...

such a beautiful shadow image for theme day! gorgeous photos!

PJ said...

I saw this on the portal and had to stop by. It's very elegant and just perfect for theme day.

~Cheryl said...

Just gorgeous!

raf said...

A warm and lovely light/shadow play, Bibi. I can feel the excitement in your words about your daughters coming wedding. Wonderful!

Jilly said...

How lovely - the beauty of the rose and the sombre of the shadow.

Jilly said...

Whooops, I forgot to say congratulations on yoru daughter's wedding in September. We expect some wonderful photographs!

Chuck Pefley said...

Lovely, Bibi. I'm sorry I've missed the last several days posts, too. The hair sisters are great!

Happy May Day!

Julie said...

They have such a delicate structure, Bibi. And then we come to the colour ... so incredibly gorgeous. I do like the way the eye goes from the shadows to the light. Such a good photo and a good choice for the theme.

Anonymous said...

Nice post. Great for theme day. The color is a perfect match for your blog color.

Uma por Dia said...

Soooooo beautiful!!!!!

glduro_marieloupe said...

Beautiful picture, thats reminds me my late Mother. She loved those colors of roses.

BTW, thanks for visiting our blog!


Thérèse said...

Pictures of roses go so well with souvenirs...

Anonymous said...

Beautiful picture. It reminds me of a decoration my mom got once. It was a rose whose base and thorns were made of metal and it symbolized the path of life.

Victor said...

Bibi, this is just absolutely beautiful. The light and the composition and the colour all transcend the subject matter. Bravo!

Marie-Noyale said...

I like your choice.. creamy roses are the loveliest.
Hope you will take time to take pictures at and before your daughter's wedding!!

Mo said...

Just beautiful

Jane Hards Photography said...

Shadows of the past kept alive forever in one elegant image. Simply divine. I look forward to your daughter's wedding images, those that are not too personal of course for us to view.

Tash said...

Such a tender photo. It's like a old masters painting. Congrats on a splendid Theme Day.
Hope the wedding prep is going well and is not too hectic. There is so much to do.

ThemeWeddingIdeas said...

Great work. I love your picture!. Brides, see www.creative-theme-wedding-ideas.comfor other theme wedding ideas

spacedlaw said...

A most lovely picture.

PJ said...

Thank you, Bibi, the image is so elegant and I love, love, love that shade of pink. Happy Valentine's Day to you.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.