Saturday, May 16, 2009

What do you believe?

This graffiti is on one of the side entrances to Saint Marko's church downtown, and reads, "What do you believe?"

Dear Readers, I apologize that I had to change my settings not to allow anonymous comments, since I've recently been visited by a rant-and-raver. The Internet's a wide territory, and I'm sure that person will find another outlet to vent his/her dissatisfaction. These City Daily Photo blogs are for enjoyment and fun, and are not to be used as a soapbox.


Anonymous said...

Too bad the whole purpose of City Daily Photos isn't understood by some people :(

Anyways, excellent picture. I think the graffiti suits the place perfectly.

EX-YU Aviation said...

Actually quite sad that such a beautiful church is ruined by graffiti. The question posed is interesting but perhaps not necessary to ruin such an old and beautiful church. By the way its a great photo.

Alexa said...

Your eye sees all! Don't care for graffiti, but at least this one is thought-provoking. Sorry you've been plagued by a ranter, but you're right to do what you did—one of our blog friends told me he'd actually been "stalked" on the Internet (wouldn't want that to happen to you).

Virginia said...

Beautful church, too bad someone chose to deface it.
Sorry about your anon. problems. There are some nuts out there for sure!

LA / nodecaf said...

Thought provoking pic on several levels. Love the new poppies banner. Totally understand the settings change - some folks think they can act like spoiled children just because they are on the 'net.

Richard Lawry said...

That is one of life's most important questions.

An Arkies Musings

soulbrush said...

isn't that annoying? grrrrrr.....

Jane Hards Photography said...

Idiots abound. You know my feeling on these people already. Very apt graffiti for the post and I believe you have moderated the post comments wisely.

Lowell said...

Hate graffiti. But the question stands. You wonder if, relative to St. Marko's, he's for 'em or agin 'em.

Anonymous said...

That doorway is beautiful!!

b.c. said...

i like this shot very much too

Leif Hagen said...

Your blog has lovely photos. Fun to view snaps of a country which I've yet to visit. Where R U from in the states? Regards from EAGAN daily photo in Minnesota, USA


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.