Wednesday, June 3, 2009

ABC Wednesday T" is for "Too big!"

I love dogs, but some are just too big for city life. And this one drools, too.



marley said...

That is a big one! She should put a saddle on him and go for a ride!

Debby said...


Once I had a friend who owned a St. Bernard. She had a little car but he rode in the back seat and did a lot of traveling. One time Danielle and I were going to play tennis. He was tied to the front porch. He was so distraught about being left behind that he lunged, pulling the post right off the porch. The whole roof over the porch collapsed on one end. That's when I decided that yes, some dogs are 'too big'!

Lowell said...

We have a Golden Retriever and she's big enough! St. Bernards are great dogs, though...but I wouldn't want one!

Nice shot! I like the way the girl is sharp and the dog is moving.

Under a Tin Roof Sky said...

She looks like her hands are full.

We had a St Bernard when I was very small. His name was Pluto and he was very protective, wouldn't even let the neighbor walk to work.

PJ said...

Sorry, I was signed in under a different email address. Pluto was mine!

airplane5312 said...

LOL, a dog taking its owner for a walk.

James said...

That is one big dog.

b.c. said...

huge indeed,

Carraol said...

Great capture, both looks splendid and the light make this a special moment!

Marie Reed said...

Ahhhhh! That is one colossal canine!
I still need to get my T post up:) T is for tardy today!

Jane Hards Photography said...

I think he is walking her. I'd definitely feel safe if not exhausted with this fellow around.

Mara said...

I know someone who has two of those! And he doesn't live in a mansion either! Mad, I say, mad... said...

Oh my gosh! I can't imagine what life would be like living with such a huge dog! I bet it would be very interesting, that is for sure, eh?

B SQUARED said...

That has to be the biggest Bernie I've ever seen.

Carol said...

Very big....I wouldn't want to try controlling him if he decided to run!

Jilly said...

Oh dear, yes, one big doggie and too right, they do drool. Lovely dogs tho. Love the shot and your words.

soulbrush said...

omg snuffles is as big as its head!

Dave said...

How about T is for Tight - those sweats look a little snug on her...

Melissa Enderle said...

Reading the title, I immediately saw her tight pants. I'm sure that's really what you meant, right?

Gerald (Ackworth born) said...

I'm drooling just looking at this lovely couple.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.