Sunday, June 7, 2009

No more plaster lions!

I've always noticed that when people have a country house here, they often opt to have plaster lions (white, but sometimes gold....) on the tops of the gate posts on either side of the entrance to their garden. While in a nearby country town the other weekend, I came upon these plaster dogs! Though they're most likely Saint Bernards, I thought they looked a bit like Bibi, so I immortalized her here with one. Borrowed my son's hands again, like I did here.


Marianne said...

cute photo, but I really like the new header, colorful serenity.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I don't think I've noticed such things here. Here, people don't use such decorations (at most, I've seen elfs or water fountains).

I don't think Bibi liked the comparison (although I like her necklace -"Follow your dreams"-).

Lowell said...

Precious and priceless!

Petrea Burchard said...

Bibi is a fabulous model.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Oh this has really cheered me up. Adorable and funny. I stroked Bibi's paw virtually and thanked her.

MuseSwings said...

Cute! Bibi is quite the poser!

soulbrush said...

this is such a cute picture of bibi. love the header. anyway i just love your photography-all of it.

lady jicky said...

I love Bibi!!!
Is she have a pug???

lady jicky said...

Oh dear , its late here - I meant , is Bibi half a pug? LOL
I need to get some sleep.

Pat said...

Lady Jicky, I don't really know. Bibi is a rescued dog from a local shelter. I kind of think she's part Pekinese and (?) though she hasn't got any Pekinese feistiness.

B SQUARED said...

Such a cute dog.

marley said...

Just plain cute!

Jilly said...

Saw this yesterday in the portal and meant to comment and somehow the day passed it does.

Cute pic and thanks for the link to the carrot shot. I loved that.

Carraol said...

Lovely post, this little dog looks so tender and bright, great capture!

Pyzahn said...

Bibi is very photogenic. Much more so than her rather stiff friend.

yudikris said...

Bibi, this is awesome! hahah


Tash said...

Wonderful portrait - what an adorable pair. I love Bibi' little tounge peeking thru.

Marie Reed said...

It is a plaster Bibi! Your son is such a good hand model!

Becky said...

It really does resemble your Bibi! How adorable! Just the right size, too. Well done, Son, also. :)

lucky said...


Kim said...

"You may kiss my paw." :-)

She's way cuter than the stone puppy. Fun to get a sense of her true size with the hand there to give scale. This is very fun to see.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.