Saturday, June 27, 2009

"Real Good for Free" Part II

The other day I showed you this musician playing another kind of instrument. Here we see a man with his grandson playing away, again not really for free, but in the hopes of earning a few dinars. I always thought learning to play the accordion must be really hard...


Obelix said...

It's not about learning. It's about talent. You either have it or have not. If you haven't and learn to play, it'll be just boring.. mathematicaly precise, but not fun. My brother has/had it (the gift). He played it well.

Hilda said...

It does look heavy. At least you'll have well-toned arms! :)

Lowell said...

Lois Anne played the accordion when she was young...quite well, too. I thought it was hard when I tried it...but fun, too.

Bob Crowe said...

Terrific picture - colors, shapes, personality. I don't understand how anyone can play the accordion - all those buttons and keys, completely different layouts, the brain controlling uncoordinated activity of both hands at the same time.

Marie Reed said...

At first I didn't notice the little drum in front of him! He has such a great look of concentration!

Alexa said...

Obelix is right. I wanted to play the piano when I was a kid, and the school made me start with an accordion. To say I didn't "have it" would be putting it mildly. I'll bet this grandpa has it though! Great shot—love the intense look on both their faces.

Thérèse said...

A great scene so full of interpretation. So much in this little boy's look.

Louis la Vache said...

Interesting composition.

Somehow they don't seem to be very happy.

«Louis» noticed the Coke bottle at the left. The world-wide reach of Atlanta!

Jane Hards Photography said...

I may have mentioned this last time but my cousin sold a piano and purchased an accordion. She can still play the piano, sadly not the accordion. The little boys face is so intense.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.