Friday, June 26, 2009

Skywatch Friday--Lookout below!

This is one of Belgrade's oldest department stores, but newly renovated. "Beogradjanka," as it is known, fell into disrepair during the latter socialist era when privatization came about. Now it's quite posh inside, and has had a facelift, too, including new panes of glass outside. About two weeks ago, one fell while it was being installed on the street that is on the left of this photo, but fortunately, no one was hurt.

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James said...

Thank goodness no one was hurt. Very interesting building and for a moment I thought the guy in red was going to the bathroom. Thankfully my eyes were wrong and the stream was coming from the other way. :-)

Tash said...

I went to a dept store there in the '70s but I don't know if it was this one. I love any post with cyrillic - it's close to my heart. Great idea for SWF.

The Good Life in Virginia said...

oh i see you've a coin store there. i shop at those in italy when i visit my aunt. always like the way they do up everything. was actually in a coin in february.
have a wonderful weekend.

Lowell said...

Hmmm...might make one think twice about shopping there, though. At least when anything is being installed! ;-)

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Unique perspective on a dramatic building. Great shot.

Virginia said...

I'm back my dear friend. Forgive my absence. When do you fly here??? Hope you have a grand time . Sorry we have not crossed paths this summer. Maybe one day....

Ritsumei said...

What an interesting story! It's always interesting to see adds in foreign places too. They're always just a little bit different from the ones at home. Thanks for posting!

Here's mine.

Guy D said...

Great shot Bibi, thanks for sharing.

Have a nice weekend
Regina In Pictures

Marie Reed said...

Hi!! I've been out of town for a few days and am excited to catch up with your blog:)

Jane Hards Photography said...

Fir a minute of thought this might be Seattle, until I saw the writing. Powerful angle really empahizies the height. No real dept stores here.

Thérèse said...

What a great picture to add to your "red" chapter.

gwen said...

Lovely. Red always works. Eh, the colour ;-)

soulbrush said...

omg and whew.. lovely and bright red, as you know my favourite colour.

Louise said...

Wow! What luck. I'll bet it made more than one person jump!

Tea Time With Melody said...

Love those shoes!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.