Monday, June 1, 2009

Theme Day: FEET (and a little leg, too)

Here we go with my red fetish again. These shoes looked so snazzy. I was going to crop the image, but the girl's attire only enhances her feet in these pretty shoes.

Click here to view thumbnails for all participants


raf said...

Perfetta! Great photo, theme or not, Bibi! Shiny, scarlet heels really hit the mark and oh, did I mention those great gams.

Jane Hards Photography said...

I'm very much for red heels and teaming with a denim skirt is bold. The right choice to show the whole leg ensemble with the motion blur on the upper half. I like this a lot.

marley said...

Sexy! Great for theme day and for all red lovers out there :)

Sakiwi said...

The red is such a warm colour. It seems to me that the woman in this photo is very confident about her look!

Kate said...

My mother advised me that "every woman should have a pair of red shoes" and I always oblige! Great shot!

Marie-Noyale said...

"Somewhere over the rainbow"... the red slippers always work!!
wish we could see more ,it looks like her back is bare...

Jill said...

What a great shot Bibi and a great choice for theme day.

B SQUARED said...

More importantly Bibi, does she have red hair?

Copenhagen said...

I love these red pumps! Very sexy and stylish. It also reminds me of Wizard of Oz.

Happy theme day. Please check out my blog.

Jilly said...

My goodness, red shoes and denim shorts. Well she sure will be noticed. Great choice, Bibi

yudikris said...

hohohoohoh... I don't know what to say... very rare this kind of red heels in Indonesia


Chuck Pefley said...

Wonderful, Bibi! Red is my favorite, too!!

Marie Reed said...

That's funny! I had no idea that it was theme day:) I posted a shoe so randomly today! Snazzy heels! vavavooom!

soulbrush said...

my favourite colour is red, and these shoes are fabadabadoo, why don't you join 'ruby tuesday' it's all about red images.

Shantaram said...

Am I glad you decided against cropping the picture! Just the feet would have been so bo-ring!

lv2scpbk said...

Love those red shoes. I don't think I could wear them without nylons though.

Small City Scenes said...

Great shot. I am glad you didn't crop the pic. Love the shoes. MB

Hilda said...

I'm glad you didn't crop out her outfit. The rugged denim shorts look great with those sexy peek-a-boo red shoes!

Leif Hagen said...

Belgrade feet! Meet Serbia feet! Red feet, high heel feet, girl feet! Greet the feet you meet on the Belgrade street! Your theme FEET are a treat! EAGAN daily photo feet greet from my friendly Minnesota street!

The Good Life in Virginia said...

love the red shoes...great shot.

Lowell said...

I think this is a great is an attention-getter, for sure...and red shoes are just plain sexy. Great capture!

Tash said...

Very, very attractive! You are absolutely right about the framing of the photo.
I've always liked red shoes and even if I rarely wear them, I' glad to own them. (Had a pair of 'cervene natikace' from Pula's 'pijaca' for a long time.

Julie said...

very fancy and sleek for today. very eye-catching

Carraol said...

Splendid and very sexy composition, the red adds a special mood!

Layrayski said...

Very nice. Eye catching!

Kim said...

This sizzles and pops! Fantastic photo.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.