Thursday, July 30, 2009


This happy cow at Hershey's Chocolate Town tour ride snaps your photo as you exit....but I got her first.


marley said...

Did she queue up at the end to buy the photo off of you?! Lol!

Thérèse said...

Way to go!

Hilda said...

That is such a cute photographer! :)

Tash said...

That is so cute and so funny. Well done. Looks like you are having a blast.

Alexa said...

You beat the cow?? No surprise to me—I've seen you and your camera in action! (Am looking forward to your West Coast pix too.)

soulbrush said...

does it take your photo in case you disappear with an extra hershey bar??? LOL.

B SQUARED said...

Same thing happened to me while touring The Empire State Building. At the end of the tour, they wanted something like $30 for the photo. I hope your cow wasn't so greedy.

Jane Hards Photography said...

I am slowly discovering more about Hershey's chocolate each day. I see I have a rival for my job with the cow.

Mirela said...

:-)))))) This brightened up my morning!


 I was greeted in a unisex bathroom by Buddha, or at least his head. Quite unexpected!