Friday, July 31, 2009

SKYWATCH FRIDAY - A Kiss in the Sky

People in Hershey, Pennsylvania, get 'kissed' every day, if they look up and see these overhead street lights. They don't melt, either! (These aluminum foil-covered candies are called 'Hershey's Kisses.')



James said...

I wonder if people get tempted to try and open it? :-) Very nic shot by the way.

Louise said...

The kiss is charming. The sky is wonderful.

Alexa said...

Wow -- I had no idea the town was THIS into the whole chocolate thing! Looks like you picked a gorgeous day to visit>

Lowell said...

Should have known! Fascinating.

The Good Life in Virginia said...

like those lights...aren't they clever.
have a wonderful visit.

Richard Lawry said...

Very cute lights, and well photographed too.

An Arkies Musings

B SQUARED said...

They really are carrying this to an extreme;but a nice extreme.

Kirigalpoththa said...


GreensboroDailyPhoto said...

A very American, Pennsylvanian Skywatch. Great for your Belgrade buddies! Lovely!

Regina said...


Jane Hards Photography said...

This a whole new world to be. I would quite happily be kissed by that funny little light every day.

Thérèse said...

I am thinking about the one who got this "perfect" idea...

Pat said...

Hi, all!

James, actually there's another brown version that is a Kiss without the foil!

soulbrush said...

what a great post today.

marley said...

Very cute! The perfect place for chocoholics!

Kim said...

That's so cool! All of a sudden I'm tasting H's chocolate! Thanks for the virtual non-caloric treat! (I'm down another couple lbs, BTW and that makes 15 since mother's day). Virtual is all the chocolate I'm doing. :-)

Unknown said...

Why are those called kisses? Any ideas?

Pat said...


Here's what Wikipedia has to say:

"Hershey's Kisses were introduced in 1907. While it's not known exactly how KISSES got their name, it is a popular theory that the candy was named for the sound or motion of the chocolate being deposited during the manufacturing process."

Unknown said...

Thanks, that makes a lot of sense. Could have checked it myself I guess. Now I feel dumb... :P


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.