Had lunch at French Roast, a restaurant on 85th and Broadway. I enjoyed an endive au gratin and a glass of deep, rich, red wine. Naturally, I photographed the endive, but decided to post this French-looking photo for you today on Bastille Day. Vive la France, et vive la cuisine française!
Vive la France! Your wonderful black & white Cafe photo and tribute to Bastille Day reminded me of the wonderful scene in the movie "Casablanca" where they sing a rousing "La Marseillaise" to drown out the German's singing...
So, dear Yankee in Belgrad on vacation in New York and Pennsylvanian and so on.. where are You originally from?
Hi, Koala!
Happy every single vacation's day Bibi!
I like your photos, and I started looking at them mainly because I know some people from Belgrade, and wanted to see what it looked like. Thanks for sharing. .. Your b/w photo did remind me about French photos, so I too will say; "Vive la France, et vive la cusine francaise!
And: Enjoy your holiday!
Perfect photo for today, Bibi and Happy Bastille Day to you! I love the whole image but find my eye drawn to the woman in the background - what a profile. Great shot.
I was with Bibi when she surreptitiously took this photo, focusing on the woman sitting by the window. It's a good shot of her. Like it in black 'n white.
Great photo, such feeling and deoth. Love it!
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