Saturday, July 18, 2009


I don't know how it is where you live, but in Belgrade I've noticed that lots of small firms end in 'land.' There's a Petroland (gas station) and Foodland (grocery store) not far from where I live.

Here in NYC's Jackson Heights area, I came across Tacolandia, which reminded me of Belgrade, in name at least!


Lowell said...

I don't have an answer about the use of "land."

Like the photo, though. That one guy looks a bit curious as to why you've got him in your sights...hope you had your running shoes on... ;-)

soulbrush said...

could one say you are a little homesick for belgrade? do you find that sometimes you are still stuck in two worlds?

Thérèse said...

The power of names!

marley said...

I like the addition of the 'ia' to make it a sound a bit more special! Lol!

Louis la Vache said...


Alexa said...

What Louis La Vache said! Reminds me of all the little specialty stores in Italy that all ened in "eria." When I lived in Bologna, there was one that sold nothing but cork—we called it the "corkeria." As Jacob said, bibi, that guy caught you!

Jane Hards Photography said...

Not here but yes in the UK. Land now seems to mean "soon to be parted with your money." This is a timeless image.


 I watched this couple for quite a while. Each was engrossed in their phones....but then suddenly they shared something. A text, a photo, wh...