Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Tribute to Edward Hopper

This photo reminds me so much of Edward Hopper's work that I decided to dedicate this post to him.

Edward Hopper (1882 – 1967) was a well-known American realist painter and printmaker who derived his subject matter primarily from the common features of American life (gas stations, motels, restaurants, theaters, railroads, and street scenes) and its inhabitants. Most of Hopper's paintings focus on the interaction of human beings and their environment. In these paintings are often themes of solitude, loneliness, regret, boredom, and resignation.

More photos from "Bibi's" trip to New York still to come, followed later by some from other cities....


dianasfaria.com said...

A wonderful tribute to one of my favorite artists Bibi!
Nicely done.

The Good Life in Virginia said...


Rosemildo Sales Furtado said...

Olá! Tens um lindo espaço, porém, se colocares um tradutor, ficará bem mais fácil para entender e para comentar.



Thérèse said...

Kind of minimalistic (?)
A picture which speaks a lot.

Chuck Pefley said...

Hah! corner of Whitney and 43rd Ave in Queens. Interesting angle, though as it appears you had some elevation from across that parking lot fence. Were you staying nearby? If so, you were pretty close to Ming.

BTW, have you gotten your phone working yet?

Jane Hards Photography said...

Yes, Yes, Yes! This is Hopper photography. I am a huge Hopper fan and regret no building at all to tribute his work. The moving man too just add the finishing touch.


 I watched this couple for quite a while. Each was engrossed in their phones....but then suddenly they shared something. A text, a photo, wh...