Wednesday, July 8, 2009

ABC Wednesday "Y" is for 'yellow' sari

Another subway photo for you. Truthfully, I could have spent my entire time in the Big Apple underground, for this mass transit system offers photographers endless opportunities.

This young Indian woman takes advantage of a few minutes before her train arrives to make a phone call. I didn't see her talking though, and people tell me it's often difficult to get a connection underground. (OOOPs! She's not wearing a sari---see comments below--apologies for my mistake.)



soulbrush said...

gosh, we can't talk underground (yet), they are working on the technology, hope they don't get it started! she is so colourful. your underground looks completely different to ours Wow!

Z said...

The contrast of blue and yellow/mustard is perfect. But, that isn't a sari she's wearing, is it? said...

love the colors in this!
I can usually get a connection until I get deeper in the tunnel once I get inside the train.
I wonder if this lady is listening to her voicemail? he-he...

Marie Reed said...

I'm am seriously coveting her sari!

Marie Reed said...

I dropped your link into Mr. Linky for you:)

Pat said...

Z, I thought it was a sari, but perhaps they're wrapped differently. Anyone know?

Pat said...

Hi again, readers!

I stand corrected and apologies. My good friend, Melissa, who is now working in India (check out her blog on my sidebar), wrote the following to me:

Just a correction here...
> She is not wearing a sari, but a salwar set. A sari is a single piece
> of cloth about 5-6 meters in length. A salwar set is a long tunic and
> pants with a dupata (sp) scarf draped across the front.
> Looks like you were enjoying NY.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Did you run along with a paintbrush too for the most wonderful contrasting blue. Reminds so much of the UK girls outfit and the material stores of vibrant colours. You are obviously having lots of fun.

photowannabe said...

Beautiful colors and I like the entire composition.

Tash said...

wonderful expression on the young woman, and the colors are WOWing.

Q said...

Nice outfit!
Great colors. Fun Y post.

Dragonstar said...

Beautiful colours - a perfect photo opportunity and you were ready for it!
Thank you, on behalf of the Team.

marley said...

That is a fantastic photo. So colourful.

When I first started my blog I used to check out a lot of NYC blogs (I have a thing for New York!) and I'm sure there was a subway blog. It was really good from what I remember, I think I'll have to see if i can find it...

Alexa said...

Yes, it's called a salwar kameez—a beautiful and very forgiving garment (hides a multitude of excess pounds and I've been thinking seriously of adopting it as my everyday wardrobe). I'm catching up here, bibi, and must say I'm loving your NY photos! The colors in this one are wonderful.
BTW, there are certain stations where you can pick up a signal—mostly those that are not too far underground, I think.

Jay said...

I love the contrast of the blue and yellow! And I've learned something about saris and salwars. ;)

Roger Owen Green said...

It may not be a sari, but it's certainly yellow!

Jama said...

It's certainly is a beautiful salwar Kameez!


 I was greeted in a unisex bathroom by Buddha, or at least his head. Quite unexpected!