I went to visit a very dear friend in San Luis Obispo, and we made some short side trips. These two surfers are carrying their boards toward the ocean on Pismo Beach. I graduated from high school in southern California in the '60's at the height of surfomania, and whenever I return, it's a major case of nostalgia for me. I couldn't get Beach Boys' tunes out of my head....nor did I want to.
I get homesick just seeing the pictures. I won't be back to visit So. Cal til next year. However it is nice to see the pictures.
But did you go surfin'?!
Surfin' USA . . . .
Nice memories Bibi.
You're doing quite the tour! My brother lives in Cayucos right up the coast from SLO, he works in that town. I love it there, think it's very close to the perfect place to live (except for the prices of the houses). Keep having fun and posting those wonderful pictures.
don't they look splendid? young and healthy and carefree, sigh..much as the beach boys were...sigh...
Great fun! Nothing wrong with a bit of nostalgia :)
Were you in So. Cal in the late 40s?
I graduated from Louis Pasteur Jr. High and then went to Hamilton High for a while...
We had to move and it broke my heart...I loved California!
Went to the beach most every day during the summer break...
However it is nice to see the pictures.
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