Friday, August 14, 2009

SKYWATCH--Four Planes and a Bird

Caught a glimpse of the fast-moving BLUE ANGELS as they rushed over Seattle's skies for its annual event, Seafair. Looks like they're dive-bombing this poor bird, but they're not!



Louise said...

This is a great capture. What are the odds of getting that so well? Terrific!

Bob Crowe said...

Wow, spectacular. Seafair is very cool. I was once on the sixty-something floor of a downtown office building during the fair when the Blue Angels roared by at eye level. Unforgettable.

Alexa said...

You are a real magician with that camera—great catch, Bibi!

GreensboroDailyPhoto said...

First, incredible photo. Second, you must have done a WORLD tour! Such great photos the whole summer long!

Mrs. GDP

Regina said...

Beautiful shot.

~Cheryl said...

The Blue Angels are my favorite! I look forward to them every summer. It's amazing that you caught the bird with them. Fantastic!

Kim said...

Talk about your perfect timing! Don't you LOVE when all the planets line up like this and something you weren't even aware of just MAKES the photo. Good for you! Love your shot.

I'm out of town until Monday night, work on Tuesday and Wednesday, but lets get together when your schedule matches.

Chuck Pefley said...

Ooh! Very nice, Bibi! Gotta feel sorry for that poor bird!

soulbrush said...

okay this is the award-winning shot! whew!

ninja said...

crap, I've got similar images prepared for next weeks SWF

Thérèse said...

Thanks for the reassurance!

B SQUARED said...

Very nice capture.

Lynne said...

incredible photo! I'm really enjoying your blog!

Juliette said...


marley said...

Great photo. It does look like that bird is about to get it!

Jane Hards Photography said...

Koala's comment. Just made me laugh. Poor birdie he does look harassed.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.