Wednesday, September 16, 2009

ABC Wednesday "I" is for "Inspire"

Have to brag a bit on this ABC Wednesday. About a year ago, I got a phone call from a publishing company that was launching the Hyatt Regency's new magazine, Inspire. The editor had seen my articles and some photos in a local newspaper I used to write for, and asked if I was interested in doing a Belgrade Patchwork for the magazine. I was, and I've done a patchwork (10 photos plus text) in each of the Inspires so far, the fourth is due out in a few weeks.

If you click right HERE and click on the second image under Inspire 1, and then click again, you'll see some photos (from my blog, of course!) you might find familiar.

It's been lots of fun...and inspiring, too!



Sylvia K said...

How exciting! And definitely reason to be "Inspired"! I love your photos and what a great post for the "I" day!

Stay "inspired"!


photowannabe said...

Totally awesome. Congratulations on being "inspired". great photos.

Mara said...

Brag on! You deserve it...

Chuck Pefley said...

Good for you, Bibi! I hope you are receiving more than just credit for these usages.

I just returned from my Scooter Adventure last evening, so can now take a bit of time to check blogs on a slightly more regular basis. Has your daughter's wedding taken place yet?

Jane Hards Photography said...

Well Chuck said it all for me. Us photographers. He's right though. Incredible news and huge congratulations. You have inspired so many of us too this past year.

Richard Lawry said...

What an inspiring post. The only time I was ever published, the magazine printed my story but never contacted me. I would never have known it was published if someone who subscribed to the magazine hadn't told me.

An Arkies Musings

Leslie: said...

This post is in itself, inspiring! Kudos to you for making it in publishing. :D

marley said...

That is brilliant! You should be very pleased with yourself. Brag away!

Lowell said...

Well, I'm impressed! This is fantastic! I'm so glad for you, and hope this leads to even bigger and better things!

Beautiful magazines!

Tumblewords: said...

This is wonderful, wonderful. Well-deserved, to say the least, and surely awe-inspiring!

Thérèse said...

Awesome Bibi! And how exciting it must be.

raf said...

Inspiring indeed! Thank you, Bibi for sharing your good deeds with us. And well deserved too, as we have been privileged to witness some of your work on this blog.
Was also wondering about your daughter's wedding. We've been on the move so much.

Pat said...

Thanks, everyone.

Daughter's wedding is this Saturday; all excited, and guests from 'across the pond' are slowly trickling in...

Petrea Burchard said...

You're an inspiration! Congratulations on the recognition you're receiving (and on your daughter's wedding, too). Have fun. said...

Oh my goodness Bibi! Though I am not surprised really, you are a terrific talent!
& congratulations on your daughters wedding, how exciting.
; )

Tash said...

Definitely something big to brag about! Really terrific.

Tash said...

I remember the photos - really excellent!

magiceye said...

good on you!
you sure can be an iconic inspiration for many!

Marie said...

Congratulations, dear Bibi.

I'm so sorry I forgot about your asking me about Corconne. I have absolutely no memory of it. Of course, I will try to go to Corconne when the weather becomes fine again. I have had a difficult time for a few months :-))

Roger Owen Green said...

Congrats on the wedding AND the magazine.

Jilly said...

Oh well done, Bibi. So well deserved. The page looks so good with your beautiful photos.

Have a wonderful day on Saturday and many congratulations to your daughter and husband to be - almost is!

Marie-Noyale said...

It looks like a beautiful magazine.
Congratulations Bibi.

I wonder how you find the time to post with all the excitement of next week end!!!

Alexa said...

You SHOULD brag! And this is most fitting for "I".
Hope you have scheduled your posts for the foreseeable future—at least while all the wedding excitement is going on. I know the mother of the bride isn't usually wearing a camera at the ceremony, but you do know we'll be expecting a photo anyway, I hope.

Kim said...

Big congratulations!!! I see your pieces' titles on the covers, too. How cool to be pursued and featured. The design of the publications is very clean and inviting, too. You should be very proud to be writing for such a nicely done magazine. Woo hoo!!!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.