Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Say what?

I'm afraid there's not much respect for public property here, as can be seen from this monument dating from 1961, when it honored the first conference of non-aligned countries. It was restored in 1989 for the ninth conference, but since then....


Alexa said...

Maybe young Novak from yesterday's post can appeal to the better nature of the folks who do this.

Lowell said...

That's just sick! Disgusting, even. The people that do that are morons!

James said...

I don't understand why people do that. On second thought I remember writing something on a wall when I was about 15 yrs old. Even then I wouldn't have done it to a monument. It's a shame.

Thérèse said...

On en trouvait dans le temps même sur les monuments de Pompéi...
No excuse though.

B SQUARED said...

Very sad. I am left with, Why?

Shadow said...

My position on graffiti is this...If the people who do it (who are most often extremely talented) went to art school instead of defacing the property of others, our world would be a more beautiful place. How sad.


 A very cold day for me, but not for this pair of swans on a log on the Danube.