Tuesday, September 22, 2009

One down, more to come

Autumn is here, and there's a slight chill in the air. Came across this lone leaf the other day in Belgrade's Bohemian Quarter, Skadarlija. More leaves have since followed.


Lowell said...

An attractive photo, although it leafs me with a feeling of fall!

Alexa said...

Lovely, Bibi! It's still quite warm here in NYC, and the trees are still filled with green leaves. But for some reason there are a lot of brown leaves on the ground as well—two seasons in one.

Gaelyn said...

That single leaf looks awesome against the cobblestone. They are falling slowly here also.

Thérèse said...

Signs of fall can be so different from one side of the world to the other!

B SQUARED said...

And many, many more to follow.

Marie Reed said...

It looks like a painting Bibster!

soulbrush said...

incredible lonely leaf. autumn is surely here.

James said...

I have a picture of a single fallen leaf that I was going to post but I didn't. I couldn't make up my mind on a clever title. I like your picture better anyway and your title is perfect.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Is it Autumn already. Symbolic and beautiful in so many ways.

marley said...

That is a great photo. I like the wet looking stones.

Nishant said...

It looks like a painting Bibster!
Make website india

Marie-Noyale said...

Soon we won't see the stones!!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.