Thursday, October 1, 2009

Theme Day--Contrast

Too common a scene in major cities. An old woman, who has fallen asleep while begging, sits in front of a fashionable window display.

Click here to view thumbnails for all participants


Lowell said...

Migod! That is so poignant, so sad...

You have a great eye, 'cause juxtaposed with that mannequin, the woman morphs from a curiosity to a icon of pain, neglect and hopelessness.

marley said...

That is the perfect photo for the theme. A real time commentry on the state of society. Excellent job.

Unknown said...

Fabulous!... and yet so sad.

Leif Hagen said...

A contrast of the "haves" and "have nots!"

Marie-Noyale said...

You prove a point sad but so true and common, unfortunately !!

Virginia said...

Oh Bibi,
This is just the perfect shot. My oh my this says it all.

Thérèse said...

This says it all.

Juliette said...

Quite a poignant contrast.

Alexa said...

You DO have an incredible eye. Can only repeat what's already been said: This is perfect for the theme day, and also quite heartbreaking. I feel like it took a bit of courage to post this. Good for you, Bibi.

Jilly said...

This is so moving and of course perfect for Theme Day. I so agree with Alexa, you do have an incredible eye, Bibi.

JaamZIN said...

very touchy!!

Tash said...

Breaks my heart.

magiceye said...

such a poignant image!
wonnderful take on the theme!

Nathalie H.D. said...

Many of us have gone for colour or light contrast but your take on the theme is the most appropriate and the most moving. This is a common trait of all our cities and it's a shocking sight every time. What do we do now?

B SQUARED said...

I'm speechless. A wonderful shot.

Ming the Merciless said...

Oh, how heart breaking.

Great interpretation of the theme, Bibi.

Ineke said...

perfect but painfull shot for today. Would you have photographed her if she wouldn't have been asleep?

Marie Reed said...

This breaks my heart... good that you have the courage to take and post hard realities Bibi.

Chuck Pefley said...

Sad contrast and too common in our cities.

Tussy said...

I agree it is too common in big city, more than often we overlook it.

Sad indeed! Nice capture of you.

Happy Theme Day!

My Bangkok Through My Eyes!
You got a Posty: I want to give 15 postcards :)

James said...

You nailed the theme, but it is very sad.

Pat said...

Ineke, I admit it was easier because she was asleep, but I think I would have sneaked a shot somehow, one of my hip shots, if she had not been.

Bergson said...

excellent shot !!

unfortunately !!

Carraol said...

Sad image, but its great composition adds drama and intensity to the circumstance.

Gaelyn said...

A contrast in so many ways. Excellent capture!

Rob said...

wow, this is uncanny we had similar photos and thoughts. I hope things urn around soon.

Lessie said...

Amazing photo.

nicole said...

i see this lady all the time!! the first time i kind of freaked out because i thought she was dead, but then she raised her head for a few seconds. i wonder how well the begging goes for her.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.