Wednesday, October 7, 2009

ABC Wednesday "L" is for "Lonely and lugging."

Where are your friends when you need them? I was really puzzled by this poor guy, who had some sort of cast/brace on his foot, who was limping (another L) along, lugging something obviously heavy in that black bag. What's inside? Water skis that may be responsible for the cast/brace? I'll never know.

Join others on ABC WEDNESDAY.


Mara said...

I feel sorry for that bloke!
The header photo is lovely by the way...

Sylvia K said...

That is a lonely looking guy, you can almost feel it! Can't help but feel an ache for him! Sad, but beautifully captured shot!

Have a great day!


marley said...

Poor guy. Looks like he is fed up.

Gaelyn said...

Yea, he sure does look lost and loney. Maybe on his way home from the hospital after a skiing accident. Guess we'll never know. Great capture.

Lowell said...

Super portrait! It could be a trombone, but I think the bag is too big...a rifle, perhaps. He could be looking for the person who did this to him.

But he looks more downcast than angry.

Tumblewords: said...

Great capture. I'm sorry he doesn't have help.

photowannabe said...

I think you captured a feeling so beautifully. Poor guy realy is all alone and lugging something very awkward and heavy.

Tash said...

Awww. Poor young fellow. Looks like an airline luggage tag on this bag...If it wasn't for the background, he could be in So. Cal.

Tash said...

My 1st thought on seeing the new banner was "Ziveli!".

Kris McCracken said...

It certainly got him into trouble. said...

Poor guy, though I couldn't help notice the cute little houses.

magiceye said...

beautifully composed and shot

soulbrush said...

love the header, miss not visiting every day, just soo busy at work with new kiddies. hows your's going?

B SQUARED said...

We will never know. I'd vote for the water skis.

Marie-Noyale said...

That's a strong guy!!!
The little houses "floating" on the river look very nice!

Chuck Pefley said...

Whatever it is it still has the airline luggage tag on it. The bag looks like one I use for transporting light stands.

Then again, perhaps it is his other crutch?

Roger Owen Green said...

The man needs some wheeled conveyance. What a drag for him, literally.

Alexa said...

Poor guy—he really does look downcast. Did you want to go and ask him what his story is?

A.O. said...

What a wonderful photo. Somehow, this photo expresses the lack of solidarity better than all the articles and essays....


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.