Thursday, October 8, 2009


I wonder how many of you saw this "naked lady" on the portal and clicked just to see what it was. This painting, along with many, many others, is part of an exhibit of One Hundred Years of Serbian Art at the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, one of the most eminent scientific and art institutions in Serbia. It is also one of the oldest (founded in 1886) and largest academies in South-East Europe.

I attended the exhibit, which is free to the public, and was very impressed by the paintings, especially those of the Impressionist period.


Gaelyn said...

Very nice. I haven't been to an art museum in way too long. Now on my winter list of things to do, maybe Phoenix.

Lowell said...

I always click on naked ladies!

Wish I could have been there with you. This fellow seems to be enchanted.

Bob Crowe said...

Well, you do have a man staring at it. But then I've stared at The Birth of Venus, La Maja Desnuda and many more of the genre. Fine art, you know.

Chuck Pefley said...

I'm sure you won't believe this, but your "Gotcha" title got my attention first -:)

Jilly said...

Perfect with the man staring at the painting. Love the Gotcha!

Marie Reed said...

I can certainly understand why he is so entranced by the lovely painting!

B SQUARED said...

Were you the inspiration for this beautiful work.

Pat said...

Whoa, BSquared! Not quite that old! :) This lovely lady dates from around 1889... But thanks anyway!

Thérèse said...

I would have clicked anyway! lol

The Good Life in Virginia said...

love your new header...
and the beautiful painting was an added bonus to seeing what's up in your world.
have a good weekend.

Alexa said...

Like Chuck, it was the Gotcha that got me. This guy's stance is not exactly "thoughtful"—I wonder what he's thinking.

Kim said...

Dang, that old picture of me keeps getting around! ;^). Seriously, the composition and lighting are interesting to study. I like your inclusion of the viewer. It reminded me of that photo site where they insert your photo into a museum gallery frame that people are staring at from a bench, and at first I thought that was the gotcha. Your eye is magnifique!

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

This is just classic, P! Thanks for sending me here... love that dark green wall



 I was greeted in a unisex bathroom by Buddha, or at least his head. Quite unexpected!