Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Inside the antique shop....

Still homebound, so this is a photo of a short while ago, taken through the window of an antique shop one evening. It's times like this when I realize how much I appreciate old things, the kind I always think I'll get rid of, but never do. Seeing them here in an antique shop is sad for me. Did some of their owners pass away, and their children didn't want 'old stuff,' or have some of them had to sell their treasures to round out small pensions? In this photo I can recognize a wall clock very similar to one we have, and ditto for one fo the chandeliers.

See anything you like?


The Good Life in Virginia said...

happy tuesday bibi.
hope you are feeling a bit better.
i love old things...those chairs are beautiful. i would snap them right up if i were there...have some lovely fabric that would be perfect on them!

feel better soon.

Lowell said...

I like antique shops but it is a bit disconcerting to find so many things from my early years have been classified, not merely as old, but as antique! Yikes!

Methinks you're improving right along, right?

Sharon said...

I bet there are some wonderful things in there. I wish I could browse.

clairz said...

The things I like best are the ones that have been thrown away or given to thrift shops. I can't believe it when I find 6 hand embroidered napkins in a thrift store STAPLED to a price tag of 10 cents. All that work that someone did.

Glad to see you're feeling better.

James said...

I wonder about the things. It's the same with old houses for me, and especially neighborhoods with lots of old houses.

Gaelyn said...

I see so many things I like, yet have no room for. Some people don't appreciate antiques. This is when items were made to last, and last.

Hope you are feeling better.

Leif Hagen said...

Let me in, let me in! WOW - what a fantastic antique store loaded with treasures! Jackpot!
Hope you feel better soon; how's the chicken noodle soup in Belgrade?!

Stefan Jansson said...

Can't say that I do. It gets me thinking about my grandparents!

Hilda said...

They're all a little too ornate for my taste, I'm afraid. And I'd be too scared to go in there, for fear of breaking something!

Thérèse said...

Hope yesterday's vitamin C helped...
I would probably go for the orange candle holder if I had to pick something.

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Lovely photo.

I love antiques at antique shops and at other people's houses.

What I like for my house is comfort and practicality.

They sure are pretty though.

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

And a lot of them are better made than nowadays.

dianasfaria.com said...

I all things old, things themselves, people & houses.
I felt like I was playing "I Spy" when I enlarged this photo.
I like the kissing angel statue in the background.

Unknown said...

Can you please tell me where this antique shop is located?

Pat said...

Anca, it's on the left side of Vuk Karadzic street as you walk away from Knez Mihailova.

Anonymous said...

The mantel clock would be perfect in my living room:)

Marie-Noyale said...

I'll go for the chairs!!
My kind of little store.

Christina said...

Hi there. I am interested in buying some stuff and I will be in Belgrade on 30th of December. Where is that shop exactly? Thanks


Pat said...

Hello, Christina. You wrote me about the antique shop, but I do not have an email for you, since you wrote via the comment box. I hope this reaches you. This shop is on Vuka Karadzica street, on the left side as you walk away from Knez Mihailova, Belgrade's main pedestrian street. See my profile for my email address.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.