Wednesday, October 21, 2009

ABC Wednesday N is for Newlyweds

Another photo from a short while back, since I'm cautious about exposing myself to the elements now after having been sick/still am a bit.

This was taken downtown, and the garland above the door announces a wedding that has taken place. This is pretty much a village custom, and sometimes the garlands are quite elaborate, but you do see them in town sometimes, as in this photo.

Join ABC Wednesday.


Sylvia K said...

What a lovely custom and a lovely garland! Love your photo!

Hope you're feeling better soon! Enjoy your day!


Carol said...

What a great idea, I would enjoy this custom, seems like they are sharing the joy!

Q said...

I also think this is a charming tradition.
Stay well.

Leslie: said...

What a nice custom! A bit old-fashioned for this part of the world, but lovely just the same. :D

Mara said...

What a great way of showing that a marriage has taken place. Lovely custom.

photowannabe said...

I love that village custom. Its lovely and very original for the letter N.
Hope you return to health soon. This sickness seems to be hard on everyone.

Gaelyn said...

I love the wood of the door frame and what a pretty way to announce to the neighborhood of newlyweds.

This has been hanging on for a while. Sure hope your all better real soon.

Lowell said...

It's not a custom with which I am familiar, but I like it a lot...

Hope you all well soon!

Tumblewords: said...

An interesting custom! I do hope you are feeling back to normal, now... said...

what a great idea, I love this tradition.

MaR said...

What a wonderful tradition and beautiful garland!
My ABC Wed

Chuck Pefley said...

Should I assume this was the recent wedding of a couple you know very well?

Pat said...

Hi, Chuck. Could have been, but wasn't! We didn't do the 'garland over the door' thing! :>)

Thérèse said...

A very elegant garland but hard to preserve when the flowers are natural.
And a perfect background to make it stand out.

James said...

Beautiful, and I love the woodwork.

Virginia said...

Lovely custom. Simple and nicely done.

Roger Owen Green said...

nice tradition, nice photo

Tash said...

So pretty and delicate. Looks lovely against the rich brown door.

I meant to ask if your wedding guests wore a sprig of rosemary - my mom had those for our wedding reception.

Marie-Noyale said...

Did you do that for your daughter's wedding?


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.