Saturday, October 24, 2009


The windowed facade of the Gorenje company's building in New Belgrade reflects windows of the apartment building across the street, a bit like a Fun House mirror!

This is for Jame's Reflections weekend on Newtown Daily Photo.


Lowell said...

This is just wild. I love it! Wild and crazy. Fantastic photo, Bibi!

Tash said...

Looks like a crazy quilt - all shapes and lots of color. You made the ordinary look exceptional.

Virginia said...

Oh Bibi. Just go ahead and knock my socks off!!! this is fab.

Alexa said...

Oooh—love this! Does this mean you are out and about (I hope)?

Gaelyn said...

Wow, this is an awesome image Bibi. Surreal! You must be feeling better.

James said...

Wow! That is so cool! I like this reflection a lot. There is so much going on. I bet it would be strange to walk by there after a few too many drinks. :)

Thérèse said...

My favorite reflections! Wow!

soulbrush said...

omg this is fantastic.

Kim said...

This is such a fun shot. I love that one pane slightly open amidst all the chaotic elements of building reflection.

Hey, hope you are feeling more and more strength and stamina returning and that the bad bug is gone for good.

Jilly said...

Fabulous, fabulous, fabulous! And absolutely made by that blue window! Superb - I've run out of superlatives, Bibi. Love it.

Kaori said...

Amazing photo! It looks like a puzzle. Love reflections like this :)

Kim said...

Bibi, I just got word from a fellow CDPBlogger that our friend Raf in Port Townsend is in the hospital, and she suggested we all send him our wishes and prayers for his health.

marley said...

That is brilliant. Like modern art!

Kristin - The Goat said...

This is something I'd love to see, but until then Thanks so much for featuring it.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.