Friday, October 23, 2009

Railroad station and kiosk--Skywatch

Here's the top of Belgrade's main train station, finished in 1884, when the very first train to leave the station departed for Niš (NEESH), Serbia, on August 23rd, 1884.

It was at this station that I first arrived in Belgrade in 1976 to attend a friend's wedding, after a two-day trip from Paris.

Near the entrance now stands the locomotive of Tito's Blue Train, which you can read more about by clicking on the link.


(Happy birthday to my newlywed daughter today!!! Mama loves you.)


Guy D said...

Very unique shot Bibi, well done.

All the best
Regina In Pictures

The Good Life in Virginia said...

i like the perspective of your capture...the kiosk on the right framed against the sky...with the more ornate station off left and back...interesting.
hope you are feeling better and getting your strength back.
until later.

James said...

This picture is a teaser. I know the sky is what it's about but I want to see more of the kiosk, train station and other things around. I do like this picture it's just that I'm being greedy. :)


In 1974 I stood on the same railway station! I remember it well, but I have no pictures from it. Love the old architecture - and I would love to see more of it! :)

marley said...

Fantasatic roof tops!

Jim said...

Amazing buildings and structures.
Sydney - City and Suburbs

eileeninmd said...

Wonderful photo for skywatch. Thanks for sharing your skies.

Lowell said...

Well composed...and this station is still in use?

Some good memories for you...

Gaelyn said...

Nice architecture and detailed roof lines against the sky.

Chuck Pefley said...

Well happy birthday, Laura's mother. It's as much yours as hers you know.

Hope you're feeling better by now, Bibi.

Virginia said...

WEll I took one look and thought Paris Kiosk. Well this one is just as lovely and I love the composition Bibi.
Happy To You Darling Daughter.

Tash said...

I don't remember ever seeing the gorgeous facade. Thank you for posting that.

Thérèse said...

How two different things can create a Whole.
I like the picture and did not notice anything while getting in or out of the night train between Paris and Belgrade...


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.