Friday, October 16, 2009

Skywatch Friday--Stormy skies over Kalemegdan

Our Indian summer weather has disappeared....I've been home with a cold, cough, and laryngitis for two days... It's cold and windy out there. This photo was taken when the clouds were still white, but with a hint of menace in them.

In this photo you see one of Kalemegdan Park fortress's walls. Kalemegdan is the most popular park for Belgraders and for many tourists because of its numerous winding walking paths, shady benches, picturesque fountains, statues, historical architecture and incredible river views (Sava and Danube.) The former canal which was used for water supply during the Middle Ages is completely covered. Kalemegdan is also known for its lemgthy long lagums, underground corridors and catacombs, which are still largely unexplored.

Why don't you join SKYWATCH FRIDAY?


Marie said...

I love the different tones in your sky.

Anonymous said...

The beauty of the sky is the richness of the blue, the richness of gray clouds...and this is a beauty. Great fortress too. Have a nice weekend.

SWF is here: beginning of darkness

The Good Life in Virginia said...

a lovel capture bibi. like the puffiness of the clouds over the castle.
wonder if there are skeletal remains in the catacombs?
hoping you feel better soon. stay warm.

Guy D said...

Excellent photo Bibi, that is gorgeous.

All the best
Regina In Pictures

J said...

Very dramatic, and I like how the figures give perspective. said...

very interesting teh couple and the sky...simply beautiful


ninja said...

Beautiful photo! (As always) We just went straight into an early Winter from a very short Fall over here. So enjoy those quite nice skies.

Tara R. said...

A very intriguing scene. The fortress and the darkening clouds is a great shot.

Kilauea Poetry said...

Incredible photo! Enchanting and fun! Thanks for such an intriguing visual and explanation- Have a great day-

Jim said...

Amazing historic buildings there.
Sydney - City and Suburbs

Thérèse said...

Hoping you feel better soon.
Sweet memories at Kalemegdan overlooking the lions from the café but I presume the zoo is no more (?)

James said...

That looks like a really neat place to explore. The sky is a perfect match for the fortresses. Ever since I was a boy fortress and castles have fascinated me.
Great picture. said...

Aww! poor Bibi! I do hope you are better quickly. I had the same thing a few weeks ago and it lasted two weeks. I couldn't speak for two days. Hopefully yours won't be like that. Eat lots of honey if you can & drink lots of fluids.
I LOVE this photo, it really is quite stunning. The color blue in your sky has to be my favorite color! & the stone color is so pretty as well with a serene quality about it. Well done Bibi.
Feel better soon.
; )

Victoria Tsavdaridou said...

Magnificent landscape, thanks for sharing

Chuck Pefley said...

Bibi, sorry to hear you're still under the weather.
This is a wonderful old structure. I find it amazing that many of the underground corridors are still unexplored. Why not?

Susie of Arabia said...

Hi Bibi - I hope you feel better soon! I love this photo. It would make a great location for a movie!

Eaglesbrother said...

Nice photograph of sky and Fortress...good Job !!


Unknown said...

Your sky photo is very nice. You have the most beautiful and intriguing photos here. Great job. I'll be back to check out more later.

Unknown said...

Your sky photo is very nice. You have the most beautiful and intriguing photos here. Great job. I'll be back to check out more later.

B SQUARED said...

Sounds like an interesting place. Take care of that cold.

Paty said...

it seems to be a very special place, i love this historical places. the blue colors on the clouds made a nice contrast with the buildings.

Hilda said...

Sounds like a fabulous place to explore!

I'm sorry to hear you've been sick. That's the part I most hate about wet and cold weather. I hope you feel better real soon!

Alexa said...

Love the way you captured the couple framed in the arched opening. (But I think everything aboutl your photos is wonderful.) Here in NYC, it feels like we've gone from autumn to winter in a matter of hours. Feel better!

Tash said...

Timeless beauty, wonderful photograph. with the figures it is reminiscent of master painters.
hope you feel better soon.

Gaelyn said...

This is a very cool looking place.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.